9-12 Project/Tea Party Express

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America has an abundance of idiots and folks who don't know the meaning of the words "mind your own business". Their rich overlords tell them what to think and what to spew via propaganda and they obey. Then they call other people sheep! They aren't even smart enough to see how they vote against their own best interests. :banghead:

Oh the irony.
Obviously you know best! You have that beautiful insight that is exclusive to the enlightened left.

I have to go photoshop some more black people (and crackers) into the DC march photos.

Its true, there was no march in DC, its all a trailer park conspiracy.

Raptor Geezus be praised!

Fascinating, yet another member that avoids the question "are you a white supremacist?"...and is into Stormfronter's causes.
Do you have some kind of issue with the 1st Ammendment? :shrug:

Say it now, or forever hold your peace.

Fascinating, yet another member that avoids the question "are you a white supremacist?"...and is into Stormfronter's causes.
Since you're so smart.... why don't you tell my ALL about me being racist.

show me why you made make such an accusation, .....unless maybe you're just a trained attack dog. Maybe you are just programed to respond in such a predictable manner. Maybe you enjoy the termoils and find pleasure in fueling racism.

show me or shut-the-fuck-up.
THE MAJORITY OF PEOPLE HAVE GOTTEN A TAX CUT FROM OBAMA.....close to 98% of the entire population!! Tell me, why people are weeping for those poor poor extremely wealthy folks!

That's funny... I don't seem to be paying any less, and my income is pretty low on the scale. I guess we'll see if my refund is more than normal or not.
America has an abundance of idiots and folks who don't know the meaning of the words "mind your own business". Their rich overlords tell them what to think and what to spew via propaganda and they obey. Then they call other people sheep! They aren't even smart enough to see how they vote against their own best interests. :banghead:

got nothing to do with smartness.
gemme gemme just ain't right.
Let the people with the money decide.
You think there wouldn't be enough charity? is that it?
So was that a yes or a no?

I'm not going to answer you. For you to even ask me that question is reprehensible.

I want to know why you feel its OK to even allude to it.

I think you feed on wild accusations of racism with ZERO basis to do so.

So tell me why you think it OK, why you might have the slightest inclination to even think that I am racist.

I firmly believe you are a trained monkey.
I'm not going to answer you. For you to even ask me that question is reprehensible.

Stormfronters are calling the Tea Baggery their cause and alluding to some future SHTF like you did with the "expect us". The Tea Party thing was hijacked from Ron Paul who probably through no fault of his own is a white supremacist magnet.

Cerise says "Are you trying to say that is that bad, or something??" when it's pointed out that Stormfronters are calling it their cause and alludes to white supremacists being a 1st Amendment thing.

It's a clear fact that many of the tea baggers are white supremacists. So I'm simply asking if you are one of them or not. I find it very telling that you and Cerise can't bring yourselves to say yes or no on this.

Are you a Ron Paul supporter?
Wow, so you're saying you were duped by some cracker-jackers claiming they are the power behind an unprecedented movement made of common people acting to take back their country?

No, I've never taken noticed of the stormfronters sillyness before, nor will I now.

Show me your "clear fact" that many of the "tea baggers" are "white supremest".

You have some amazing powers of insight about what "expect us" means. Are you scientologist with suprah-powers of alien technology?
Wow, so you're saying you were duped by some cracker-jackers claiming they are the power behind an unprecedented movement made of common people acting to take back their country?

Nope, I'm saying what you put in your straw man. I'm saying this:

"Stormfronters are calling the Tea Baggery their cause and alluding to some future SHTF like you did with the "expect us". The Tea Party thing was hijacked from Ron Paul who probably through no fault of his own is a white supremacist magnet.

Cerise says "Are you trying to say that is that bad, or something??" when it's pointed out that Stormfronters are calling it their cause and alludes to white supremacists being a 1st Amendment thing.

It's a clear fact that many of the tea baggers are white supremacists. So I'm simply asking if you are one of them or not. I find it very telling that you and Cerise can't bring yourselves to say yes or no on this."

Show me your "clear fact" that many of the "tea baggers" are "white supremest".

I already linked to threads at Stormfront showing their involvement and support. There's plenty more. Just search for "tea" on their forums.

You have some amazing powers of insight about what "expect us" means.

Actually I didn't conjecture on what "expect us" means.
Now, wait. Weren't you a Ron Paul fan? That must make you a white supremacist. :shrug:

I like a lot of what Ron Paul has to say but he's too far off on other things for me ever to vote for him. Being a Ron Paul supporter doesn't make you a white supremacist. However he is a magnet for white supremacists. See how logic works?

How do you feel about Ron Paul? The guy who started the Tea Parties.

You know a lot of these Tea Party people didn't like your Bush at all and have been against the Iraq debacle like Paul.
got nothing to do with smartness.
gemme gemme just ain't right.
Let the people with the money decide.
You think there wouldn't be enough charity? is that it?

I think people don't pay much attention to the issues their politicians attach to. I think cons who constantly whine about social welfare and allow Repugnantcants to cut taxes on the highest incomes and pass out corporate welfare. The Demorat party screws us in other ways, but at least at this point is kinder to "the little guy".

In any case it is quite possible, even likely that without the bailouts we would be looking at something a lot like the great depression. How the bailouts were handled may not have been near as well as it could have been but something had to be done. Would you like a good 1929-31 depression? Democrats took power and it ended. Of course I am sure they had nothing to do with it right? The Clinton administration brought us a budget surplus. I am sure that was a bad thing huh? So 82% of the national debt was spent by Repugnantcants, and they have never brought economic stability or prosperity they promise (excepting the very rich). I am sure that was all some Demorats' fault right?

Corporate welfare on the other hand has been and is continuing. Nobody seems to be outraged much. The Repugnantcants complain that America is about personal responsibility and social welfare should be abolished, so why is it different for rich fat-cats?

Here is a fairly good sense article on exactly why the rich should bear more of the tax burden:

Josh Anderson said:
Why Should the Wealthy Pay Higher Taxes?

September 22, 2008

In an age where 10% of our nation holds 70% of the wealth, it’s pretty easy to feel like the wealthy ought to pay more, but this is much different than being able to explain why the wealthy ought to pay more.

First, there’s the fairly obvious argument. If you are a millionaire (or better), your money probably came from a lot of hard working people who work for you, either directly or indirectly. While you are not personally responsible for their economic salvation, you are entirely responsible for having provided goods and/or services at the highest price the market would bear. While you should be congratulated for your savvy business acumen, you also need to help the government pay for all the social programs necessary to keep these people out of utter poverty. After all, it IS kind of your fault. Not only did they pay for the goods, but they also paid a little extra so that you could make a profit. So, not only do you need to pay taxes, you also need to pay a little extra so that they can buy their next meal.

Second, there’s the other fairly obvious argument. Most people agree that poor people should pay less in taxes. Whenever you have a “less” in economics, you need to have a “more.” So, if poor people should pay less, then rich people should pay more. You can’t both pay less than the other.

Third, there’s the other, other fairly obvious argument. Wealthier people use a greater abundance of our national infrastructure, have a larger environmental impact, and use a much larger part of the common wealth. Your companies own millions of huge trucks that cause more wear and tear on our bridges and roads. You can’t be trusted to clean up after yourself, so it’s the EPA that spends $15 billion dollars on Superfund Clean-Up Sites. The portion of the Federal government dedicated to dealing with social welfare programs is a drop in the bucket compared to the portion dedicated to commerce, trade, industry, exchange markets, and other fingers of capitalism. So if the bulk of the government is dedicated to protecting and promoting capitalism, then perhaps the people who benefit from this work the most ought to be the ones who pay a proportionately higher tax.

Fourth, there’s the other, other, other fairly obvious argument. If 10% of you own 70% of the shit in this nation, then the military is protecting a lot more of your shit than mine. Fight them over there so we don’t have to fight them over here? Great idea, but it’s YOUR shit over here that our men and women are dying to protect. Look, my insurance company (or rather, your insurance company) makes me pay a higher premium if I own more shit, right? Good. Let’s apply your corporate insurance philosophy to YOUR shit. Ah, yes. It still holds true. The more shit you have to protect, the more you should have to pay to protect it. I’ve been waiting six long years to say this: freedom isn’t free, rich people! There, that felt good.

Fifth, there’s the other, other, other, other fairly obvious argument. The Bush Administration spent the better part of eight years peeling grapes for the wealthy and repealing policies that made it hard to be so very, very rich. Those enormous tax cuts? We need them back, ASAP. Let’s start with an initial loan of about $700 billion. Turns out that welfare for the rich costs a hell of a lot more than welfare for the poor. It’s the wealthy people who got us into this mess, and since y’all control 70% of the wealth in this nation, then maybe you could help replenish the national cookie jar for a little while. I’m not sure if you noticed, but it’s starting to get a little empty.

I guess the most interesting thing to me is that I know a handful of wealthy people. None of them - even the Republicans – have ever argued against paying more in taxes. Strangely, they only people I hear complain excessively about paying higher taxes are those who don’t have to pay them – middle class folks who are just a few million dollars shy of actually being wealthy.

As for patriotism, I think Democrats have Republicans beat. Most Democrats want to help themselves and everyone lower than them on the social ladder. By contrast, most Republicans seem to want to help themselves and everyone higher than them on the social ladder – as if advocating for the wealthy will somehow make you rich. For as long as I live, I’ll never understand why working class Republicans argue bitterly against the “death tax” (which doesn’t kick in until the estate is worth at least $3 million).

If we truly believe in putting the needs of the “country first”, then we ought to be a little bit more willing to address the needs of the country first; and rich people ain’t very high on the needy list – well, except for this week.

Oh, and Phil Gramm, you can shove your nation of whiners up your unholy ass.

Most cons won't want to believe it. To them ending abortion, world military dominance, crushing social welfare programs, and keeping status quo and "free market economy" are more important, but meanwhile who protects our future? Who looks out for the little guy?

The political system in it's entirety is broken. Few seem to disagree with that, but when it comes to the poor and the middle class the Demorats are the lesser of two evils! Yet so many are blind to it. Hell you do not want to see it!

Logic and facts and solutions that work for the masses? WHO NEEDS IT!!!! Just obey rich and powerful overlords! GET BACK TO BOOT LICKING PEONS!!!

Nope, I'm saying what you put in your straw man. I'm saying this:

"Stormfronters are calling the Tea Baggery their cause and alluding to some future SHTF like you did with the "expect us". The Tea Party thing was hijacked from Ron Paul who probably through no fault of his own is a white supremacist magnet.

Cerise says "Are you trying to say that is that bad, or something??" when it's pointed out that Stormfronters are calling it their cause and alludes to white supremacists being a 1st Amendment thing.

It's a clear fact that many of the tea baggers are white supremacists. So I'm simply asking if you are one of them or not. I find it very telling that you and Cerise can't bring yourselves to say yes or no on this."

I already linked to threads at Stormfront showing their involvement and support. There's plenty more. Just search for "tea" on their forums.

Actually I didn't conjecture on what "expect us" means.

  • So again, you've been hood-winked by some website and swallowed is if it were true.
  • Cerise and I are not the same person.
  • What is a Ron Paul?
  • You don't seem to have much experience beyond a computer screen and ad hoc "facts".

Tell me what "expect us" means to you. (you clearly indicated it has some special meaning)

And again your extremely loose linking of liberal facts is not actual facts, but rather speculations you have whimsically drawn together from the internet.

I don't know when last time I engaged someone as foolish. ...oh yeah I do.... it was here, with you.
RM you are just another status quo dupe, and refuse to see it. If it isn't racism it's "classism". You point to the faults of those you oppose and ignore those of those you support, (arguably worse faults).

You call me a liberal, yet I would seek solutions that work. Cons like you seek one of two things. Either status quo and to add to the corruption of the rich and powerful, or a theoretical return to "literal constitutional law". This as I have explained till I am blue in the face would be disastrous. You cannot apply all that was good in the 18th century to now! It is sheer insanity. Change is inevitable, why try to avoid it when you can adapt? The principles of the constitution can still be upheld without reverting to 18th century laws and practices, but the trouble is they are not being upheld much by either party!

You want me to admit the faults of the Demorats? Two words....Trial lawyers! They are a get rich quick scheme that fatten the insurance industry too! You'd think since they sue the insurance companies it would be the other way around but it's not. Most claims are settled out of court which helps the insurance companies sustain or increase their profit margin. Even in doing this the Demorats appear kinder on the little guy because they are their advocates right? WRONG! The insurance industry (legal organized crime) feeds the lawyers too and is killing the little guy! The idea that lawsuits are a get rich quick scheme is wrong on other levels. They are not punitive, because the insurance companies see to that and we all pay because of the burden on the courts. Mostly the lawyers win!

We all also know that if you got money you have power and you can buy your way out of all but the most egregious and well documented offenses. The system is fucked. Anyone with half a brain can see it. We all are guilty to some extent too, but those who support current conservatives are obviously slightly to greatly more guilty!
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