Geckos don't like Glenn Beck

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I believe when you turn Beck's logic back on him it's pretty funny.

I haven't taken any Scientology courses. Are you a white supremacist?
I believe when you turn Beck's logic back on him it's pretty funny.

I haven't taken any Scientology courses. Are you a white supremacist?

I more than answered that question to satisfy any reasonable persons curiosity. Its unfortunate you are not cognitively a reasonable person.

So again, you believe that slander and liable designed to harm an individuals life are a great thing as long it serves your socialist views?

Show me the lies Glenn Beck has stated as fact that are not facts.

(how were those communication courses anyway)
I more than answered that question to satisfy any reasonable persons curiosity.

No, you avoided it every time.

Its unfortunate you are not cognitively a reasonable person.


So again, you believe that slander and liable designed to harm an individuals life are a great thing as long it serves your socialist views?

Straw man.

"I believe when you turn Beck's logic back on him it's pretty funny."

Show me the lies Glenn Beck has stated as fact that are not facts.

He asked a Muslim Congressman to prove he isn't working with the terrorists. Now he's being asked to prove he didn't rape and murder a young girl in 1990.

(how were those communication courses anyway)

What courses? Is this another attempt to troll?
He asked a Muslim Congressman to prove he isn't working with the terrorists.

Did you actually watch that? His question was not offensive. It was direct & included an explanation of the reasoning behind it. Dumb, perhaps, but the Congressman had the opportunity to redress him & didn't.
"I believe when you turn Beck's logic back on him it's pretty funny."

So you think its so funny that you actually participated in promoting the malicious lies intended to inflict grievous harm upon an individual and his family because he dared to ask a question?

I can see you are believer in free thought and expression, as long it is something you approve of.

He asked a Muslim Congressman to prove he isn't working with the terrorists. Now he's being asked to prove he didn't rape and murder a young girl in 1990.

You mean the same Rep. Keith Ellison who was sworn in on a Koran?


Keith Ellison: From Nation of Islam to Terrorist's Congressman

Who is Keith Ellison? Pt. 2

Who is Keith Ellison and Why Should We CAIR?

Hmm. Several weeks ago your tinfoil theory was all about the FEMA camps. Whatever happened to those?
Demagoguery, extremism, and racism -- Oh My!! :rolleyes:

Beck speaks the truth, backs it up with public records or the video/audio of those he speaks of, and does not apologize for it.

Glenn Beck’s Demagoguery, Right Wing Extremism, and Racism

Glenn Beck may stand out as the most unhinged and extremist of all as evidenced by his jihad against anyone to the left of his views, disadvantaged minorities, Muslims, Latino immigrants, and progressive change in some of his most outlandish comments, including:

– calling Barack Obama a “racist (who) has a deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture; I don’t know what it is….This guy is, I believe, a racist;”

– calling Van Jones “an avowed, radical, revolutionary communist,” then saying “Jones is the tip of the iceberg” as part of his over-the-top campaign against anyone less extremist than himself;

– stating “The most used phrase in my administration if I were to be President would be ‘What the hell do you mean we’re out of missiles;’ ”

– saying “We need to be the first ones in the recruitment office lining up to shoot the bad Muslims in the head…. In 10 years, Muslims and Arabs will be looking through a razor wire fence at the West;”

– telling Muslim Congressman Keith Ellison to “prove to me that you are not working with our enemies;”

– advocating disposing of Guantanamo detainees by shooting them in the head;

– accusing Al Gore of creating a new “Hitler youth” by promoting environmental awareness, and called for kicking California out of the union;

– in 2003, telling listeners he was praying for a gruesome death for Democrat presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich, and in 2005 saying he fantasized about strangling filmmaker Michael Moore;

– characterizing Obama’s new regulatory czar, Cass Sunstein, as a crazed animal rights activist who believes that rats matter more than people; and

– in September 2005, expressing open “hate” toward Katrina victims, calling them “scumbags” for not waiting patiently for emergency aid at a time their lives were devastated, and the Bush administration was forcibly removing them to distant locations, then preventing them from returning so predatory developers could exploit their neighborhoods for profit.

– “I’ve got a quick message for illegal aliens if you happen to be watching; you better start packing your bags; and to the politicians in Washington who are soft on illegal immigration, start packing up your office, because when the terrorists strike, which they will, and when we find out that they’re here illegally from some other country, we will be telling all of you to get the hell out;”

– earlier he said “I told you about the five-part plan that I believe may lead to the end of the West as we know it; I called it my ‘Perfect Storm;’ one of the elements….is illegal immigration; it is still a great way for terrorists to come here and mess with us; but even if that doesn’t happen….at the very least (they’re) attacking our culture, and our way of life; they are not melting into our melting pot; they’re here for the cash;” and

– “I also know our country is on fire, and the fuel is illegal immigration; they (threaten) our national security;” they come for “three reasons: one, they’re terrorists; two, they’re escaping the law; or three, they’re hungry (because) they can’t make a living in their own dirtbag country.”


"The most used phrase in my administration if I were to be President would be ‘What the hell do you mean we’re out of missiles?!'"

I think what you're trying to say is it's ok when Beck does something but not ok when other people do the same thing to him.
He has legitimate concerns knowing the ecclesiastical tenets of the Muslim faith, when a public official hold office and swears upon those same tenets.

Keywords: public official -- he works for us.

Glenn Beck, a private citizen, hold no public office, and yet crimes are MANUFACTURED and promoted against him by liberal shit heads and you personally. You attacked him for askeing a reasonable question.

Yeah huge difference.

BTW - You spike hate free speech and free thought, its is true.
He has legitimate concerns knowing the ecclesiastical tenets of the Muslim faith, when a public official hold office and swears upon those same tenets.

No, there was no reason for him to ask that question.

I understand that you have a double standard and are against the free speech of anyone that does the same things to Beck that he does to others.
No, there was no reason for him to ask that question.

I understand that you have a double standard and are against the free speech of anyone that does the same things to Beck that he does to others.
Maybe you don't see it, and I've come to expect that of you. I see it as a legitimate concern, as do many other concerned citizen who have a right to at least ask the question.

Lord I'm glad you'll never make it out of the basement.
Maybe you don't see it, and I've come to expect that of you. I see it as a legitimate concern, as do many other concerned citizen who have a right to at least ask the question.

There is no legitimate concern. Just religious bigotry. I understand that you have a double standard though and are against some people's free speech.

Lord I'm glad you'll never make it out of the basement.

More trolling.
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