All I know is John the Baptist said Jesus would baptize with fire, and the holy spirit.
I kinda pieced together the rest though years of listening to different preachers, and trying to
understand Revelations.
Hell is torment, this is little more like walking across the coals for Tony Robbins.
Again though, that's just what I've pieced together.
Jesus said (paraphrasing) it's pretty much impossible for man on earth to understand heavenly things.
So, all I know is there will be some kind of purification process.
Now as fas as purgatory.....
I believe in it, but my mom think hell, and purgatory are the same.
I think they are different. To me purgatory is a holding place, not good, but not really bad.
It's for non-Christians, who's heart Jesus knows, and may still have a chance.
For Christians it says "to be absent from the body, is to be present with the lord".
again, some may disagree. this is just the way I understand it.