What goes around, comes around


Well-Known Member
you don't know what VD is?


so you feel that all these rampant, reckless sins against your own flesh, the flesh of skank-whores, granny's dentures, and the coffers of the state of georgia and federal government are absolved by jesus?
No, I have no idea on that first parts, but
yes I do feel I've been forgiven past sins. I guess I'll see if there's anything left when I come out the other side of the fire.


Well-Known Member
yep, that's the way I understand it.
See "Christians" although 'saved', will have to go through a 'cleansing' fire though.
Not for punishment, but for purification.
See it's like gold, or other things that get melted to purify them.
Then we receive our 'new' bodily forms.


Well-Known Member
yep, that's the way I understand it.
See "Christians" although 'saved', will have to go through a 'cleansing' fire though.
Not for punishment, but for purification.
See it's like gold, or other things that get melted to purify them.
Then we receive our 'new' bodily forms.

Sounds like you are talking about Purgatory. You get the pains of hell there, but it will be temporary.


Well-Known Member
All I know is John the Baptist said Jesus would baptize with fire, and the holy spirit.
I kinda pieced together the rest though years of listening to different preachers, and trying to
understand Revelations.
Hell is torment, this is little more like walking across the coals for Tony Robbins. :D
Again though, that's just what I've pieced together.
Jesus said (paraphrasing) it's pretty much impossible for man on earth to understand heavenly things.
So, all I know is there will be some kind of purification process.

Now as fas as purgatory.....
I believe in it, but my mom think hell, and purgatory are the same.
I think they are different. To me purgatory is a holding place, not good, but not really bad.
It's for non-Christians, who's heart Jesus knows, and may still have a chance.
For Christians it says "to be absent from the body, is to be present with the lord".

again, some may disagree. this is just the way I understand it.


Well-Known Member
Well then OK, when I went to a Robbins firewalk in the 80's
I was so pumped they had to stop me the third time I wanted
to walk across the fire, piece of cake, I'll stroll across your lake of fire
but I still want at least one hawt virgin damnit!
After 30 years (hell might be 50 by the end) of faithful marriage
I think I've earned at least that?


I went to a Robbins firewalk in the 80's

you should not have admitted to that.

yeah cato of course there is at least some pain involved. fits the typical pattern of rituals of transition in pre-literate groups with strong oral traditions like yer preacher and flock thing, and witch doctors and their clientele... you know with all your troubles you gotta be thinking someone put a hex on you.

did any of the preachers ever try to cuddle with you, to touch you in uncomfortable ways?


Well-Known Member
no Minx that's the Catholics he's not one of those
his Church helps them folks to pray the gay away


you're getting confused between the proclivity among priests to be molesters and the fuckheads who tell fantastic bullshit to their sheep and make 'em roll around, handle snakes and shit. two separate points... plus the literacy rate among catholics is much higher than among evangelicals. my father can read and write latin. and english too. imagine that these days.


Well-Known Member
dat's why I sent my Atheist kid to Jesuit Prep school I ain't no fool
well OK I am! but at least he got an education.

ain't it great how the left has everyone brain washed into thinking all them Priests are pedo's?
great way to destroy the Church if you ask me
I thought the left liked butt-fuckers?

yes the commie's plans are all coming to fruition


left wing brainwashing? oh for fuck's sake... the church has been undermining itself for a long time through its own stupidity.


Well-Known Member
It just isn't true that all the Catholic priests are butt fuckers
Butt you guys say man love is ok so if they are a buncha sodomites where's the beef?


the beef? there's plenty with you serving up meatballs.

i guess it shouldn't be that hard to notice the difference between two guys pa-looking each other and some dude molesting kids. the gay axis and the molester-rapist axis are orthogonal... the former largely irrelevant to anyone else's pursuit of happiness, and the latter pretty eeeew, scro.


Well-Known Member
nope in my book shit fuckers are in the same category whether they are messin' with little boys or not
it's all deviant behavior that the left is trying to call normal
gays are cool yeah baby yeah!