2006 BBQ Possibilities

Uki Chick

New Member
Professur said:
Well, I have been informed that our cottage is availiable for the 2007 BBQ. Provided that anyone wants to be in the same geological region with yours truely during that period of time, that is. Open dates are pretty much all summer, but St-Jean Baptist and Dominion Day weekends are premium. Housing for 4 couples should be easily accomodated. If more is needed, most of my neighbours are more than willing to open up a room or two. We might run into trouble if we go over 20 people. If anyone's wanting to try Bambi or moose, I'll need to know for certain for hunting season this year.

I'd be willing for sure! I could use a weekend up at a cottage!:D


New Member
So, am I hearing Atlanta '06? If so, I need to check with the boss and Unc and Tonks regarding possible dates.


New Member
Professur said:
Well, I have been informed that our cottage is availiable for the 2007 BBQ. Provided that anyone wants to be in the same geological region with yours truely during that period of time, that is. Open dates are pretty much all summer, but St-Jean Baptist and Dominion Day weekends are premium. Housing for 4 couples should be easily accomodated. If more is needed, most of my neighbours are more than willing to open up a room or two. We might run into trouble if we go over 20 people. If anyone's wanting to try Bambi or moose, I'll need to know for certain for hunting season this year.

Well, I may even participate in the little soireé if I happen to visiting my friend at the time.


Staff member
AlphaTroll said:
Well, I may even participate in the little soireé if I happen to visiting my friend at the time.

You should plan it so you ARE visiting your friend at that time!!

I'm in for '07 (providing I'm still in the area which I'm sure I will be).


Well-Known Member
HL, I'm for it.

AT, you're welcome, if you think you can stand me. But Vancouver is one helluva distance from Montreal.


Well-Known Member
Before you check with her, do you have any preferred dates? I know last year's wasn't exactly what you were hoping for.


New Member
LOL It's a great example to the girls about how silly men can be with booze and explosives. Whereas me and the girls shall be safely watching from the breakfast nook.


New Member
Because you marry the prince. Yeah, that's Disney....but if she ever really wants to be a princess that's the way she's going to have to do it.
How many grooms were there? Sean and Ryan or just Ryan?


New Member
4th of July area is always iffy for Homey though. If we did it on that week, his family unit would most likely disappear for a good 48 hours.