A peace loving religion

flavio said:
Given the number of lies she's told about it I don't know that you can be so sure.

The Liberty Post: looks like a real reputable source of facts. You believe that stuff? It only proves Nader was right about the Corvair: unsafe at any speed. I wonder if in your litany of links you have one to the actual police report?

But you kinda blew past the Chappaquiddick photo, how come?

If attempted murder to avenge other murders is Jihad what do call you murder for refusal to accept christianity?

No, Jihad means "holy war."

My eyes glazed over at your anti-Christianity links; which is the one that says in the Bible God tells his followers to kill all unbelievers?? You know, in the same way in the Koran that Allah says to kill all those who don't accept Islam????

MrBishop said:
This was one individual, obviously delusional and angry, trying to take out his frustration on strangers.

Wrong-o ace. A wannabe terrorist?? What's the dif between an amateur and a pro?? No, he was only doing what a good Muslim does in the name of Allah:

"I'm thankful you're here to give me this trial to learn more about the will of Allah, the creator and the merciful," Taheri-azar said to the judge during the short hearing in Orange County District Criminal Court.... As news reporters shouted questions at him about representing himself, Taheri-Azar replied, "Allah is my lawyer."

MrBishop said:
Similar to what you're doing, TOO

Please. I try to convince no stranger of my verity. Indeed, with a lack of interest in politics or world events before 9-11, thankfully now everything is made clear. I could've gone down Flave's road as I was neutral, but I chose the path that made the most sense, and that has made all the difference. It's only my way of paying respect to the 3000 American civilians dead....Block me if you don't want to suffer through it.

You on the other hand have no choice up there. You have to like them. How does it feel to have your country slowly taken from you? We'll never know. We won't let them.

Call them "misunderstood youths," call them "illegal combatants," call them "terrorists," call them "jihadists" or hell, call them your "friends," their object is the same---make Allah and islam and shari'a law supreme. And their tactics are the same: terrorism by plane, by mobs, or by SUV--whatever violence they can think of to maim, murder, and destroy in the name of Allah until all semblance of law and order collapses and there is no organized resistance left.

You are either with us or you are with the terrorists.

Kill the Islamocidal maniac wherever you shall find him.

Whether he is mowing down your children on a college campus or he is firing at them in the Sunni Triangle.



molṑn labé
Staff member
Interesting take on recent events...

Some cartoonists in Europe draw some unflattering cartoons depicting the current worldview on Muslims in general, using their prophet as bait & cities burn, people get killed & threats against the west are bandied about all willie-nille.

A Muslim intentionally runs down some college kids, claims it is an overt act of aggression against the United States, in the name of his prophet & nothing bad happens.

Which side is the peaceful one again?


Inkara1 said:
I could post an in-depth dissertation on what my farts smell like after eating an egg, bean and broccoli omelet and you'd probably find a way to twist it into more of your anti-Bush rhetoric, too.
You'd never post something as useful as that.


Well-Known Member
Somewhere in that post, hidden away, I sense a comeback trying desperately to come out. Sadly, though, it never does. :(


Well-Known Member
The Other One said:
Wrong-o ace. A wannabe terrorist?? What's the dif between an amateur and a pro?? No, he was only doing what a good Muslim does in the name of Allah:

"I'm thankful you're here to give me this trial to learn more about the will of Allah, the creator and the merciful," Taheri-azar said to the judge during the short hearing in Orange County District Criminal Court.... As news reporters shouted questions at him about representing himself, Taheri-Azar replied, "Allah is my lawyer."
No...he was doing what he interpreted as what a good Muslim does in the name of Allah.

The Other One said:
Please. I try to convince no stranger of my verity. Indeed, with a lack of interest in politics or world events before 9-11, thankfully now everything is made clear. I could've gone down Flave's road as I was neutral, but I chose the path that made the most sense, and that has made all the difference. It's only my way of paying respect to the 3000 American civilians dead....Block me if you don't want to suffer through it.
You chose the path of hate and violence. Hate all Muslims, kill all Muslims, don't trust any Muslims and harrass them directly or indirectly wherever they may go.

The Other One said:
You on the other hand have no choice up there. You have to like them. How does it feel to have your country slowly taken from you? We'll never know. We won't let them.
Hate to put it to you in this way sunshine...but your country has quite a few more Muslims than Canada does. I don't have to like anybody, nor is Canada 'being taken over'.
The Other One said:
Call them "misunderstood youths," call them "illegal combatants," call them "terrorists," call them "jihadists" or hell, call them your "friends," their object is the same---make Allah and islam and shari'a law supreme. And their tactics are the same: terrorism by plane, by mobs, or by SUV--whatever violence they can think of to maim, murder, and destroy in the name of Allah until all semblance of law and order collapses and there is no organized resistance left.
You're off your tree. Do you belong to paranoids anonymous by any chance? No! Don't answer that! THEY might hear you!!!

The Other One said:
You are either with us or you are with the terrorists.

Kill the Islamocidal maniac wherever you shall find him.

Whether he is mowing down your children on a college campus or he is firing at them in the Sunni Triangle.
Now...THAT statement is scary. Kill all Muslims wherever you may find them? and you find Muslims to be dangerous??!?

Time to increase your medication...you're slipping again.


New Member
2% of Canadians Muslim in 2001

I'm finding all sorts of estimates on US percentages. Basically, no one really knows, but estimates for the same time period range from 1-2%. So, you really can't say there's a higher percentage Muslim population here then in Canada.

I don't see a need to get into y'all's scrap, but at least get your facts straight.


Well-Known Member
HomeLAN said:
2% of Canadians Muslim in 2001

I'm finding all sorts of estimates on US percentages. Basically, no one really knows, but estimates for the same time period range from 1-2%. So, you really can't say there's a higher percentage Muslim population here then in Canada.

I don't see a need to get into y'all's scrap, but at least get your facts straight.
I didn't. I mentioned a higher number, not a higher percentage. The USA population is approx. 10X larger than Canada's. If the average is the same, that still means that you have about 8-10X the number of Muslims than we do ;)

USA Today lists it at approx 7million Muslims.
Islamicweb lists it at over 9 million

In either case... still a larger number


Well-Known Member
MrBishop said:
She ran a stop sign, crashing into her boyfriend's car, killing him. Hell of an accident.

Jihad is an internal struggle.

Even in the twisted definition of jihad (holy war), the whole Mulsim population would have to declare the war.

This was one individual, obviously delusional and angry, trying to take out his frustration on strangers. :shrug: Similar to what you're doing, TOO

It is supposed to be, but some seem to make it without rather than within. Though it is the struggle to do good


Well-Known Member
HomeLAN said:
And absolutely meaningless in an apples to apples comparison.

I suppose I shoudn't have expected anything more.
c'mon...TOO aluded that Canada is being taken over by Muslims, or some such nonsense. I was merely pointing out that if Canada, with its 400k Muslims is being taken over, that surely...the USA with its 7-9million is already well into it.

If he insists on throwing me a ball, at least understand if I try to knock it back into left field whence it came from.


Well-Known Member
freako104 said:
It is supposed to be, but some seem to make it without rather than within. Though it is the struggle to do good
The world could do with more people externalizing the struggle to do good. :shrug:


Southern Discomfort
MrBishop said:
This guy was delusional. He just happened to claim to be Muslim as well.

More than that. He claimed to be divinely inspired, to be carrying out the will of his deity.

It amazes me that some can take black and white statements of purpose and intent from the mouth of a criminal and turn it into a debate over the merits of the President.

It further amazes me that someone can attempt the murders of over a dozen people, blame it on his religion, and some fall all over themselves to either defend his stance, blame religion in general, or argue tolerence.

No wonder this country is going to Hell. We've lost our minds, our spines, and our outrage. Shame on us.

If our society has degenerated to this point, vigilante justice can't be too far off. Maybe that'd be better than what's going on now. Our enemies are laughing at us, as we defend their "right" to kill us.

It's past time we as a country found our balls before they get handed to us.


Too cute for words
SouthernN'Proud said:
More than that. He claimed to be divinely inspired, to be carrying out the will of his deity.

It amazes me that some can take black and white statements of purpose and intent from the mouth of a criminal and turn it into a debate over the merits of the President.

It further amazes me that someone can attempt the murders of over a dozen people, blame it on his religion, and some fall all over themselves to either defend his stance, blame religion in general, or argue tolerence.

No wonder this country is going to Hell. We've lost our minds, our spines, and our outrage. Shame on us.

If our society has degenerated to this point, vigilante justice can't be too far off. Maybe that'd be better than what's going on now. Our enemies are laughing at us, as we defend their "right" to kill us.

It's past time we as a country found our balls before they get handed to us.
So then you don't see the wars in Iraq or Afghanistan as helping in this area?


New Member
They help to address the external enemy. The internal rot, however, so amply displayed by the "blame America first" crowd remains and thrives.


Southern Discomfort
To some degree.

I may not have been entirely clear with my last post. Allow me to try and clarify.

Insomuch as matters of national policy go, I support our troops above any other caveat of said policy. Secondary to that, I support my country and the efforts being made to protect her. I may or may not endorse every single step made in that process, but I do support the overall notion. Make an omelette, a few eggs are bound to be cracked along the way.

That being said, I marvel at some of our citizens and the lengths they go to in their attempts to be seen in certain lights.

I am an American citizen. That priviledge carries with it certain responsibilities in my way of thinking. I can disagree with policies all I wish, but at the end of the day I feel obliged to refrain from tearing down the efforts made to protect me. When someone comes along who chooses to conduct themselves as the young man in North Carolina did, in my way of thinking he has declared himself to be an enemy of not only this country but to the peace dignity and wellfare of its citizenry, myself included. Draw line in sand right here.

Once someone chooses to become an enemy of a country, again in my way of thinking, he forfeits certain rights. One of those rights is the right to protection based on religious affiliation. I hardly think the Founding Fathers worded things as they did so as to allow an enemy of the nation to hide behind religious freedom. To argue that it does is lunacy.

Yet so often we see American citizens who, for whatever reason of their own, decide to oppose our leadership to such an extreme that their end arguments actually endorse the notion that someone like this guy in North Carolina was justified in his actions. I've said it before...the entire notion of overblown political correctness is an argument that will eventually eat its own tail. It shocks me to see a segment of our population stand up for this guy, or shift blame to some other entity. What he did was wrong...criminal even. When it happened at the World Trade Center, we as a nation were outraged. Now, some of us defend it or shift the blame. I can't understand that. Yes, the WTC was a larger scale, but I can't believe the only difference people see is the sheer number of victims involved.

If I were to go into a crowd somewhere and start stabbing people, all the time crying "The South will rise again!", we all know what would follow. Why then is this guy treated with tolerence by so many? The answer I've found thus far that makes the most sense is either we're desensitized, we're scared, or we've lost our spine. I don't like the implications of any of the above.

I fully believe that those who plot against us as a nation count on that segment of Americans to put up such a furor over retaliation and thereby aid and abet their cause. I would if I wanted to make a headline. Cindy Sheehan and those like her are nothing more than accessories to terrorism in my estimation. Their efforts do nothing but muddy the waters and thereby help the agendas of those who wish us harm. Our enemies are not stupid. They look at America and see division. They see a segment who by their attitudes and opinions and statements are causing a widening of the split in this country. I don't think they are too stupid to not take advantage of that. And that as much as anything else in this entire mess makes me nervous.

I propose that instead of worrying about this guy's right to religious freedom, we worry more about what he tried to do to innocent people. I suggest he forfeited his right to use Allah or Islam as a scapegoat when he rented the truck and drove it into a crowd. The fact that any American citizen can take his actions and either defend them or try and deflect blame to any other entity is alarming to me.

I also propose that if we as a nation took this conflict to the level our enemies do, insofar as that Muslims have advocated the eradication of America and therefore Muslims are the enemy, we would see a change in Muslim doctrine real quick. Right now they seem to have two identities...those who advocate hatred and those who do not. Our enemies hate Americans. All Americans. They don't care if you support President Bush or not. You are American, therefore you are to be eliminated. If we as a nation took that stance, we'd see an end to this mess a lot quicker. It worked in the 1940s, didn't it?

We're at war here. Appeasement of individual agendas is not a priority. When someone does what this guy does, we need to act.