Abortion (Pro-life/pro-choice/both)?

I am...

  • Pro-life

    Votes: 5 20.8%
  • Pro-choice

    Votes: 11 45.8%
  • Both

    Votes: 8 33.3%
  • No comment

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
"Why not Him"???

cuz boyz don't get preggers

That one shoulda been easy

How many "hims" could she be with?

Tie 'her' tubes and Poof problem solved!


Well-Known Member
Not lately, but once I had I guy ask me if I wanted a Blow Job, I refused.

In my younger days I refused it often enough (I guess I'm just picky)

(I am a little confused thoo, is a BJ sex or is it not?)


New Member
Well, that's good. Perhaps yankees aren't as slutty as kiwi men.

Guys who say no don't make babies. [/facetious comment] In other words, it takes two to make a baby, culpability doesn't fall squarely on women.


molṑn labé
Staff member
I agree wholeheartedly on your premise Ms Pants. I equally laugh my ass off at your (assumedly intentional) naivete. In the end, only one is forced to pay.


New Member
Well, Gonz, then I don't have much more to add to this current line of debate. It seems that we are agreed. My only bone of contention was with Winky's ignorant comments:

"I say let's sterilize her now!" "Tie 'her' tubes and Poof problem solved!"

Which seemed to imply that culpability fell with women alone. I would like to think that I am not naive, however, if it is naive to think that men can't share the blame in unwanted pregnancies, then well, spank me silly, and call me naive. :shrug:


molṑn labé
Staff member
Share the blame? Does it matter whose dog shit in the kitchen? The pile is still there for somebody to clean up.


Well-Known Member
BeardofPants said:
Indeed it does. Know any guys who've said no to sex lately?

I've turn it down several times, just since the first of the year. ;)
No, I'm not gay.
I nearly forty years old, no children, no wife. Why....
I'm selfish I guess, and plus I can't afford to to bring up one the right way,
at this point, on top of raising my brother's 3. :retard3:
When I did do it in the past I was careful...abstaining when necessary.

BTW I voted....both.
Gonz has conveyed most of my sentiments here...


Well-Known Member
BeardofPants said:
bone of contention was with Winky's ignorant comments

Young Lady that comment was made in jest and was in regards to society at large being responsible for other people’s children. In regards to your other comments:

Yes of course a man is supposed to act responsibly towards women that he makes pregnant. But it is still she that is preggers. Would it not then seem incumbent on the female to choose very carefully the male(s) she chooses to make babies with?

Not all men will screw at the drop of a hat. Not all men want to take on the responsibility of raising children. Any woman that 'allows’ herself to become pregnant must (should?) take on that responsibility. She should learn as a teenager how to know when a man is worth a shit or not. This goes back to parenting skillz that have been woefully neglected in this day and age. I tell my Son if you capture them little swimmer dudes inna rubber and drop them in the wastebasket then you won't have to be a Daddy until you choose to. But if you do make a baby then you are now a Father!

Whenever I hear women say that it takes two to tango I think Yeah and It takes two to raise a child but I can’t help but think she is merely saying that she isn’t confident in her ability to choose a mate. My Son will be 17 next month and has learned to say NO.
He has turned down a half a dozen girls for SEX in the last four months!!!

Oh what a proud pappy I be! It is somewhat simple really if you have high standards for yourself and hold yourself in high esteem. Place the requirement of having to love the person you have sex with and hold them in equal high esteem. Then you won’t be out acting like a dog in the street copulating with each and every willing partner you see!

And heaven help you when you go to choose a life partner that you want to spend the rest of your life with and can trust enough to take on the awesome responsibility of creating life and spend the next 18 to 20 or more years raising!!!

So yeah mebbe getting an abortion after you’ve realized that you’ve made what could be a mistake of a lifetime ain’t such a bad idea? I’d say it would be best to place a high standard on who you choose to dance with cuz…
Boyz don’t preggers?
Boyz don’t always assume the responsibility for a gurl that they get preggers!
But gee if you girls only limited yourself solely to men that are worth a damn then
You’d seldom if ever get laid! LOL


Well-Known Member
As the father of 3 healthy, loving children, this conversation horrifies me. The very idea that the hugs, kisses, and adoring looks I get could have been snuffed out ...

This whole issue is a blind, you know that, doncha? It's not really about life or choice. It's about selfishness. You can bleat on about how it's the woman's body. About rape, or medical conditions. But it's all just noise, and you know it. It's about today's people going "ME, ME, ME, ME, ME." "I WANT, I WANT, I WANT, I WANT." The same people driving massive SUVs, eating to the point of grotesqueness, smoking, drinking, doing drugs. Knowing what it's doing to the world, and not giving a rat's ass beyond their own gratification. The american dream in all it's glory. The scary thing is, forcing these people to live with the results of their actions merely gives them the opportunity to teach those miserable principles to the next generation. I don't know what's worse. Personally, the entire race sickens me. I can easily understand how ancient civilisations could preceive a Godly retribution. I think we're well over due for a good flood, or maybe some salt pillars.

Oh, and RM, I'll be nicking that poem. where do I send the royalty cheque?


I am very much so pro-choice.

My reasons are many... to many to be discussed.

I'm with ash r... if a "mother" is too young/immature to take a resonsible part in raising the child, incapable of loving the child, providing for the child emotionally, physically and financially then surely it would be worse for the child if it was born.

Winky said:
Some think about how old the Kid would be today, Jeebus one whack job even thinks about the Kid’s birthday.…

Just what is wrong with that "whack job"? :crying4:

Its called a coping mechanism... :rolleyes:

As you have rightly pointed out it is a traumatic procedure... even if the abortion is chemical... it takes a lot of thought and self searching to make the decision but that decision should not be taken away from the mother...

Ultimately it is HER life along with the child's that could be ruined through physical, psychological and emotional trauma if the pregnancy was carried to full term or if the child is born.

The emphasis is always placed on the mother rather than the father for this reason... it doesn't mean that a father isn't affected... I personally can't see how he could be as affected as the mother as he is not involved in the physicalities of the procedure of abortion or birth!

Professur said:
As the father of 3 healthy, loving children, this conversation horrifies me. The very idea that the hugs, kisses, and adoring looks I get could have been snuffed out ...

Again point in fact... FATHERS can be very very blind to the real technicalities of parent hood

Sure... your kids are healthy and loving... but what if they weren't?

This is something no one can resolve... you just end up going round and round over the abortion issue and NO ONE should judge until they are actually in that position... as you never know the circumstances or feelings that you may be in or have at the time... therefore the right to choose should always be an option... IN THE EARLY STAGES OF PREGNANCY!

The 3D pictures in the news of late have really got me thinking... :crying4:


molṑn labé
Staff member
ClaireBear said:
if a "mother" is too young/immature to take a resonsible part in raising the child, incapable of loving the child, providing for the child emotionally, physically and financially then surely it would be worse for the child if it was born.

Then she's too young to fuck. Where are her parents?

Ultimately it is HER life along with the child's that could be ruined through physical, psychological and emotional trauma if the pregnancy was carried to full term or if the child is born.

No ma'am. Ultimately it's the life of the developing human child that IS ruined should she abort. The end result, a human, may have it rough but that does not ensure a ruined life.

Sure... your kids are healthy and loving... but what if they weren't?

Ask Stephen Hawking. One of the greatest minds in earths history. He's a victim of ALS. He should be dead. He's not & he's contributing to the betterment of mankind, daily. So, if the kids aren't perfectly healthy...so what.


Gonz said:
Then she's too young to fuck. Where are her parents?

You don't have to be a child to be unable to cope with a baby! Do try and remove your head from your own anus before you post! :p

No ma'am.

Please don't "ma'am" me! We Brits find it patronising not respectful! But anyhooo.... reading through the rest of your bigotted chauvanistic tripe...

Ultimately it's the life of the developing human child that IS ruined should she abort. The end result, a human, may have it rough but that does not ensure a ruined life.

What life? Ooooh you mean the life of the UNBORN clustor of cells or something resembling a fish?

I think you'll find that any life of suffering and pain (both physical and emotional) abuse, neglect, abandonment etc etc etc isn't a life at all its merely an existance.

Ask Stephen Hawking. One of the greatest minds in earths history. He's a victim of ALS. He should be dead. He's not & he's contributing to the betterment of mankind, daily. So, if the kids aren't perfectly healthy...so what.

Now you see Mr Hawkings is a bad example as although he has ALS he only started to experience the real effects whilst studying for his degree at Oxford... he was... ooooh 19/20. He had a chance all be it a short chance to experience what it is like to be able bodied and his successes in the field of physics and great wealth has ensured that he has received the greatest help possible to ease his suffering... he is indeed a best case scenario.

Its the polar opposites that I have the problem with.

Besides, I myself am very much unsure of the morality of aborting a foetus way over half of full term when a false labour will have to be induced... to me a chemical or scrape (now suction) abortion is an aceptable option for any mother to consider who's situation fits that which would provoke mental, emotional or physical suffering of the child or mother should it be born or allowed to go full term.

But thats my opinion... and like I have said this is something that can be argued round and around a hundred times without resolution.

All I know is that I am very much so in favour of giving any woman the option to choose... I had that option and I KNOW I chose correctly!


molṑn labé
Staff member
I have no problem with a choice. I believe it should exist. I have a huge problem with the head up the anus excuses like
UNBORN clustor of cells or something resembling a fish
. Can you name one single human in existance that produced a fish? It's human, as you clearly are beginning to realize
The 3D pictures in the news of late have really got me thinking...

It is ending a life. Period. Ma'am.