American Gun Owners to be Fingerprinted and Registered: Feinstein Announces Nightmare Plan


molṑn labé
Staff member
that's what happens when inbred morons are unable to de-escalate situations due to wacky paranoia and delusions of their own importance.

Why are you calling government workers inbred morons? All they had to was leave (or not shoot, in Idaho).

I shouldn't be surprised by your answer.

EVERYONE!!! You're attention please...if you don;t follow the 2minkey standard of living, you get what you deserve.
That is all.


molṑn labé
Staff member
Hey, before your government makes unjust & illegal laws, wanna sell you guns? I'll give you more than they will


yeah you're right gonz the cops and feds shoulda left without arresting the fuckhead with the warrant.

'cause that's what they're supposed to do. walk away when carrying out their jobs might tick off a nutcase half-baked neo-nazi FBI guy + sheriff wannabe. mega loser if'n i ever heard of one.

you do understand him and his wife were anticipating the apocalypse, SOON, right? they were primed to go off on some kind of doomsday bullshit bender.

it's really not advisable to make heroes out of nutcases. i realize how much the drama appeals to your type, but fer god's sake get some fucking dignity.


molṑn labé
Staff member
They aren't heroes. They are reminders of why we need limited government. Those two instances are not
unusual. They just happned to be so over the top even the media couldn't resist. The initial "crime" is
questionable...the warrant for his arrest was dubious (and not on his property)

Whatever, I'm not here to defend Weaver. I don't trust government to do the right thing & Feinsteins
bill is right up that alley.

As for "they were primed to go off on some kind of doomsday bullshit bender."
Ever considered becoming a member of the Thought Police?


thought police? lay off the pathetic persecution drama. what don't you understand about the american cultural tradition of apocalyptic thought? it's as obvious as could be. there's dispensationalist retards around every corner these days. hey the rapture is coming, don't get left behind sparky.

next you're gonna tell me collards and cornbread ain't southern food.


Well-Known Member
it was odd
there wasn't one Nazi in Germany after the war eh?
well lil Minxy you just keep right on chanting:
"it can't happen here"
when all the signs are present


Well-Known Member
hey was that a baby Randy's wife was holding when she was shot to death
or was it a back pack nuke? 'Vicki, we have blueberry pancakes.'


yeah guys i'm here to take your guns away. me and senator sootikins are gonna have you in bonnets and strollers by next week, emasculated and vulnerable to getting your asses kicked by pre-teens. of course that would only be a status change for one of the three of you.

that weaver lady was trying to use the kid as a human shield. fuck her.

"I understand that is seldom commits felonies."

you're, er, your especially literate today gonz. but congrats on trying to turn an example of your own ignorance into the virtue of brave nutcases. and yes they do quite a bit of harm. especially to their own children. but that's okay, we need ignorant fucks to sweep the floors and mow the lawns.


Well-Known Member
yeah guys i'm here to take your guns away. me and senator sootikins are gonna have you in bonnets and strollers by next week, emasculated and vulnerable to getting your asses kicked by pre-teens. of course that would only be a status change for one of the three of you.

that weaver lady was trying to use the kid as a human shield. fuck her.

"I understand that is seldom commits felonies."

you're, er, your especially literate today gonz. but congrats on trying to turn an example of your own ignorance into the virtue of brave nutcases. and yes they do quite a bit of harm. especially to their own children. but that's okay, we need ignorant fucks to sweep the floors and mow the lawns.

Not by next week. You don't want to throw a frog in boiling water.


Well-Known Member
no need manx this policy of gradual destruction of the nation is going according to plan


Well-Known Member