American Gun Owners to be Fingerprinted and Registered: Feinstein Announces Nightmare Plan


Well-Known Member
Do you have any evidence to the contrary? In short order all the stupid believers in capitalism, conservatism and any shred
of morality will all have been condemned to an early death by Osama's death panels and the world will be ruled by elitists
like my son, hah ruling over the offspring of fricken hunny boo boo and third generation illegal aliens ?


Well-Known Member
The GOP is just socialism lite. Trust me, real Conservatism has been dying a slow death all my adult life. Yes America is doomed to trod a path towards ever increasing socialist mediocrity, if not reversed a new dark ages will beset humankind the likes of which history has never seen!


Well-Known Member


molṑn labé
Staff member
The fact that you are required to comply with the law, whether it's enforced or not, is the issue.

Selective enforcement is a violation by our governments agents. If the law is not needed, get rid
of it. If they enforce it by whim, we are no longer a nation of laws, but have become a nation of men.


Selective enforcement is a violation by our governments agents. If the law is not needed, get rid
of it. If they enforce it by whim, we are no longer a nation of laws, but have become a nation of men.

so "fairness" is a natural right? sounds kinda commie.

nah but seriously it is a good point.

the problem is that legal remedies are somewhat arbitrary. often written by someone else, for someone else. obamacare is law, right? shit, we don't want that...


Well-Known Member
the remedy to all of this is leave the American population the fuck alone
and tell the whiney bastards that want hand outs and special treatment
to man up or GTFO


I'll bite. What special privileges do Christians want?
oh gee i dunno where to start... maybe prayer in schools? maybe fouling the grounds of city hall with a nativity scene? possibly encoding their morals into law?


molṑn labé
Staff member
Oh, I see, you're offended by traditional America.

You do know that the 1st amendment does add the part

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

So, a stupid manger scene on the court house law is not an infringement on your sensibilities.


there should be a long, thought-out response to "you don't believe in tradition?"

next you'll be telling me i should write poetry about my bowel movements.
