An OTC Tragedy ...

But ... *music fills air*

He left me on a quest to search for you ...

Oh, where could the father of my baby/uncle have gone?
Ku'u...You've been shocked today, but I, too, have a confession to make...(dramatic pause)...I am your missing half-brother. I took the job as house-boy to try to get to know the family before I surprised you, but, after seeing all of this today, I couldn't bear to see you suffer so... (cheesy organ music)
*looks at ku'u, a brow raises*

how could you know that I went off with Psycho? No one knew ...

*wondering if I should tell ku'u the truth about her father*

*organ music*

*gets tears in his eyes, just for the show*

So...he did care for me?
All these times he didn't want to know me, but in the end, he still did?

I must go and find him! Where did he say he was going to? Or don't you know? :(
I must seek in Alaska....


Because it's so freakin' cold there...that's more dramatically....

I must leave you now! Goodbye!
*watches Shadow depart .. dancing his way out of my life as he's done before .. without knowing .. that the twins didn't belong to him .. afraid to tell him who the twins' real father is ... grinning as I notice his steps are just too perfect ... getting a little jealous that he is a better dancer than I am ... eyes lower, unable to watch him dance ... looking up again, squinting my eyes to see if he's got cellulite on his thighs ... bastard has no cellulite ... *
*terminator music pop in...*

My best friend shagged my wife? :eek:

I shall take my revenge! If not in this life, than in another! :yell:

*runs away towards Alaska again*
Oh, so many revelations today, I don't know if my young, 16 year old mind can comprehend ...

the houseboy is my half-brother? i've been whipping towels at my half-brother all this time without even knowing it?!

my mom has yet to tell me the truth about my father who has gone to Alaska to search for his twin, who happens to be the father of this child ...

and through all of this, my mom is having an affair with a popcorn-eating Psycho

How can I go on?
*turning quickly so that my hair flips around and lands beautifully on my shoulder*

ku'u you must go on .. for the sake of the baby! Gato will help you .. he ... he's not your half brother after all .. you see ... shadow isn't your father .. I was having an affair ... he was always gone .. you have to understand how hard it is .. how lonely ... he was off dancing with the Navy Seals Bunny Ballet Company .. I got lonely ... Gato is his son, so he is not your half brother after all .. your father is ... he is ...

*cut to commercial*
Don't tell me, I already know ... it's the cabana boy, PuterTutor :eek: I've always felt a connection to him ...
*shadow appears again*

It's been a long time! Two years! Time flies when temperatures are way below zero....*shivers*

*kills ris*

Just in time! (heh! :D) I prevented from even more horrible things to happen...Brits can't dance!

Mom, you've fallen in love with the Navy SEALS Bunny? But how can that be? My father HAS to be PT ... I just know it ... we have the same smile ...
oh, don't worry, i'll be back as the evil step-father who ruined your life but was infact an escaped murderer on the run from his dance teacher :eek:
*hands over my face*

yes, ku'u .. it's PuterTutor ... but the father of your twin isn't PuterTutor .. it was a medical miracle ... my egg was split by two sperm ... it was all I could do to keep it from the tabloids .. so your fath .. umm.. shadow wouldn't find out ..

*dramatic music played*

You were never married to Nalani!

*dramatic music*

It was I! Her little sister that you were married to!


*falls to floor as Shadow runs to Alaska*
You have got to tell me, am I the father or not? The truth this time, please...

*emotional music playing*
So the father of my twin is the Navy SEALS bunny? I'm so confused :confuse3:

Nixy, my long lost aunt ... where were you when I needed guidance?!?
it didn't work out with the Bunny .. we're just .. we're just too different .. we want diferent things ... and he's always gone on missions .. and I just knew shadow would find out .. they're too close

I miss that bunny
