In order to withstand a Constitutional crisis, we've spoken of amendments. We've spoken of bias. We've spoken of hatred & bigotry.
We can dance all around the issue & never see it. Good, bad, natural, perversion, choice, what ever. The only question that really matters is;
Is homosexuality a valid minority?
I say no. One can't change their skin color or sex (without extraordinary measures) but many have abandoned or dismissed their sexual preferences in favor of dignity & civility, according to their local customs.
Even the fallen Roman Empire & the once-Great Greeks, while enjoying homosexual loving, knew marriage was over the line. Could there be tie-in between once-great & fallen to the destruction of the moral fiber of society? Yes, in my book. What people do in the privacy of thirr own home, within reason, is between them & their agent. Those actions do not define a political position however? That's where we want to go, is it, allowing someting so formidable & entrenched as sexual favors to create a dominant political splinter group. With that consideration, will the next great minority group be Men who love Poodles? Women without pubic hairs? Where is the minority status groups that protect those folks who live in swill with their 4000 cats? Cheeseheads? Where does it end?
We can dance all around the issue & never see it. Good, bad, natural, perversion, choice, what ever. The only question that really matters is;
Is homosexuality a valid minority?
I say no. One can't change their skin color or sex (without extraordinary measures) but many have abandoned or dismissed their sexual preferences in favor of dignity & civility, according to their local customs.
Even the fallen Roman Empire & the once-Great Greeks, while enjoying homosexual loving, knew marriage was over the line. Could there be tie-in between once-great & fallen to the destruction of the moral fiber of society? Yes, in my book. What people do in the privacy of thirr own home, within reason, is between them & their agent. Those actions do not define a political position however? That's where we want to go, is it, allowing someting so formidable & entrenched as sexual favors to create a dominant political splinter group. With that consideration, will the next great minority group be Men who love Poodles? Women without pubic hairs? Where is the minority status groups that protect those folks who live in swill with their 4000 cats? Cheeseheads? Where does it end?