

The Orwellian Olsens

Published: April 25, 2004


It's their reality. We just live and die in it.

In Bushworld, our troops go to war and get killed, but you never see the bodies coming home.

In Bushworld, flag-draped remains of the fallen are important to revere and show the nation, but only in political ads hawking the president's leadership against terror.

In Bushworld, we can create an exciting Iraqi democracy as long as it doesn't control its own military, pass any laws or have any power.

In Bushworld, we can win over Falluja by bulldozing it.

In Bushworld, it was worth going to war so Iraqis can express their feelings ("Down With America!") without having their tongues cut out, although we cannot yet allow them to express intemperate feelings in newspapers ("Down With America!") without shutting them down.

In Bushworld, it's fine to take $700 million that Congress provided for the war in Afghanistan and 9/11 recovery and divert it to the war in Iraq that you're insisting you're not planning.

In Bushworld, you don't consult your father, the expert in being president during a war with Iraq, but you do talk to your Higher Father, who can't talk back to warn you to get an exit strategy or chide you for using Him for political purposes.

In Bushworld, it's O.K. to run for re-election as the avenger of 9/11, even as you make secret deals with the Arab kingdom where most of the 9/11 hijackers came from.

In Bushworld, you get to strut around like a tough military guy and paint your rival as a chicken hawk, even though he's the one who won medals in combat and was praised by his superior officers for fulfilling all his obligations.

In Bushworld, it makes sense to press for transparency in Mr. and Mrs. Rival while cultivating your own opacity.

In Bushworld, you can reign as the antiterror president even after hearing an intelligence report about Al Qaeda's plans to attack America and then stepping outside to clear brush.

In Bushworld, those who dissemble about the troops and money it will take to get Iraq on its feet are patriots, while those who are honest are patronizingly marginalized.

In Bushworld, they struggle to keep church and state separate in Iraq, even as they increasingly merge the two in America.

In Bushworld, you can claim to be the environmental president on Earth Day while being the industry president every other day.

In Bushworld, you brag about how well Afghanistan is going, even though soldiers like Pat Tillman are still dying and the Taliban are running freely around the border areas, hiding Osama and delaying elections.

In Bushworld, imperfect intelligence is good enough to knock over Iraq. But even better evidence that North Korea is building the weapons that Saddam could only dream about is hidden away.

In Bushworld, the C.I.A. says it can't find out whether there are W.M.D. in Iraq unless we invade on the grounds that there are W.M.D.

In Bushworld, there's no irony that so many who did so much to avoid the Vietnam draft have now strained the military so much that lawmakers are talking about bringing back the draft.

In Bushworld, we're making progress in the war on terror by fighting a war that creates terrorists.

In Bushworld, you don't need to bother asking your vice president and top Defense Department officials whether you should go to war in Iraq, because they've already maneuvered you into going to war.

In Bushworld, it's perfectly natural for the president and vice president to appear before the 9/11 commission like the Olsen twins.

In Bushworld, you expound on remaking the Middle East and spreading pro-American sentiments even as you expand anti-American sentiments by ineptly occupying Iraq and unstintingly backing Ariel Sharon on West Bank settlements.

In Bushworld, we went to war to give Iraq a democratic process, yet we disdain the democratic process that causes allies to pull out troops.

In Bushworld, you pride yourself on the fact that your administration does not leak to the press, while you flood the best-known journalist in Washington with inside information.

In Bushworld, you list Bob Woodward's "Plan of Attack" as recommended reading on your campaign Web site, even though it makes you seem divorced from reality. That is, unless you live in Bushworld. **

Luis G

Staff member
In Bushworld, we're making progress in the war on terror by fighting a war that creates terrorists.

The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.


Well-Known Member
Squiggy said:
The Orwellian Olsens

Published: April 25, 2004


It's their reality. We just live and die in it.

In Bushworld, our troops go to war and get killed, but you never see the bodies coming home.

In Bushworld, flag-draped remains of the fallen are important to revere and show the nation, but only in political ads hawking the president's leadership against terror.

In Bushworld, we can create an exciting Iraqi democracy as long as it doesn't control its own military, pass any laws or have any power.

In Bushworld, we can win over Falluja by bulldozing it.

In Bushworld, it was worth going to war so Iraqis can express their feelings ("Down With America!") without having their tongues cut out, although we cannot yet allow them to express intemperate feelings in newspapers ("Down With America!") without shutting them down.

In Bushworld, it's fine to take $700 million that Congress provided for the war in Afghanistan and 9/11 recovery and divert it to the war in Iraq that you're insisting you're not planning.

In Bushworld, you don't consult your father, the expert in being president during a war with Iraq, but you do talk to your Higher Father, who can't talk back to warn you to get an exit strategy or chide you for using Him for political purposes.

In Bushworld, it's O.K. to run for re-election as the avenger of 9/11, even as you make secret deals with the Arab kingdom where most of the 9/11 hijackers came from.

In Bushworld, you get to strut around like a tough military guy and paint your rival as a chicken hawk, even though he's the one who won medals in combat and was praised by his superior officers for fulfilling all his obligations.

In Bushworld, it makes sense to press for transparency in Mr. and Mrs. Rival while cultivating your own opacity.

In Bushworld, you can reign as the antiterror president even after hearing an intelligence report about Al Qaeda's plans to attack America and then stepping outside to clear brush.

In Bushworld, those who dissemble about the troops and money it will take to get Iraq on its feet are patriots, while those who are honest are patronizingly marginalized.

In Bushworld, they struggle to keep church and state separate in Iraq, even as they increasingly merge the two in America.

In Bushworld, you can claim to be the environmental president on Earth Day while being the industry president every other day.

In Bushworld, you brag about how well Afghanistan is going, even though soldiers like Pat Tillman are still dying and the Taliban are running freely around the border areas, hiding Osama and delaying elections.

In Bushworld, imperfect intelligence is good enough to knock over Iraq. But even better evidence that North Korea is building the weapons that Saddam could only dream about is hidden away.

In Bushworld, the C.I.A. says it can't find out whether there are W.M.D. in Iraq unless we invade on the grounds that there are W.M.D.

In Bushworld, there's no irony that so many who did so much to avoid the Vietnam draft have now strained the military so much that lawmakers are talking about bringing back the draft.

In Bushworld, we're making progress in the war on terror by fighting a war that creates terrorists.

In Bushworld, you don't need to bother asking your vice president and top Defense Department officials whether you should go to war in Iraq, because they've already maneuvered you into going to war.

In Bushworld, it's perfectly natural for the president and vice president to appear before the 9/11 commission like the Olsen twins.

In Bushworld, you expound on remaking the Middle East and spreading pro-American sentiments even as you expand anti-American sentiments by ineptly occupying Iraq and unstintingly backing Ariel Sharon on West Bank settlements.

In Bushworld, we went to war to give Iraq a democratic process, yet we disdain the democratic process that causes allies to pull out troops.

In Bushworld, you pride yourself on the fact that your administration does not leak to the press, while you flood the best-known journalist in Washington with inside information.

In Bushworld, you list Bob Woodward's "Plan of Attack" as recommended reading on your campaign Web site, even though it makes you seem divorced from reality. That is, unless you live in Bushworld. **

Squiggy: speaker of the truth

Gonz: ignorer of the truth :p


molṑn labé
Staff member
If Squiggys speaks the truth (there are several it would be easy to contradict with the truth) the this ought to make you sad.


In an interview published Friday in the LOS ANGELES TIMES, Dem presidential hopeful John Kerry claimed he "never ever implied" that he threw his own medals during a Hill protest in 1971 to appear as an antiwar hero.

But a new shock video shows John Kerry -- in his own voice -- saying he did!

ABC's GOOD MORNING AMERICA is set to rock the political world Monday morning with an airing of Kerry's specific 1971 boast, sources tell the DRUDGE REPORT.

The video was made by a local news station in 1971.

It directly contradicts Kerry's own website headline: "RIGHTWING FICTION: John Kerry threw away his medals during a Vietnam war protest."

Kerry's campaign refused comment Sunday afternoon, citing a policy not to respond to the DRUDGE REPORT


Well-Known Member
At least he made people work to uncover that lie.

"Do you own an SUV?"
"No. I drive a Dodge 600, a car that Chrysler quit making 15 years ago, a car I could buy with what I make in an hour, and a car that would probably have trouble passing a smog inspection. You know, being the environmentalist that I am. I also recently bought a Chrysler 300, a car with a 3.5-liter V6, because I didn't feel like making a statement about my environmentalism by buying a Toyota Prius... or if I wanted to buy an American brand, buying a Ford Focus or a Dodge Neon with a fuel-efficient four-cylinder engine."
"But what about that Chevrolet Suburban you've got in Idaho?"
"Umm... that's my wife's... not mine. Yeah, that's the ticket."


Hmmm..his medals...not his medals...what a delema...:retard: kinda like Bush throwing a big war party for our young to die in but his kids never manage to show up for it....

*Wonders why*


Then again....Its prolly more like that picture of Bush serving our troops big slices of that plastic turkey he flew to Iraq to serve them....Remember? the one that wasn't a photo op.

Sheesh...imagine all the fuel it took to get that picture...:retard:


molṑn labé
Staff member
His daughters are, like all Americans, free to choose to enlist or not. And you know damned well that nobodies kid goes to war if a parent works in DC.


Well-Known Member
So it doesn't strike you as odd that he was supposedly courageous enough to get hit by shrapnel two, possibly three, times... but wasn't courageous enough to throw his own medals over the fence when protesting, and then wasn't courageous enough to face up to it? And if he puts up such a front while being weak at heart, what would happen if he were challenged in office, be it by terrorists or by the Chinese?


Pfft...You'll not catch me campaigning for Kerry. but i guess if it doesn't bother you that Bush is a freakin liar that fakes press conferences and refuses to answers real questions that slip through...or that he fakes intelligence to cause Americans to die for his private agenda...or that he murdered and continues to murder Iraqis at a rate that pales Saddam's efforts...then, no. Doesn't bother me a bit. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Squiggy said:

I'm guessing you're referring to his six months in Vietnam as an army reporter. If I recall correctly, the only connection between any of Gore's kids and the miliraty is that his son, Al Gore III, once got pulled over and ticketed by military police near a base... so you can't be referring to Gore's kids.

So who would we catch you campaigning for, if not Kerry?


molṑn labé
Staff member
Squiggy said:
or that he murdered and continues to murder Iraqis at a rate that pales Saddam's efforts...then, no.

The rest can be written off as entertaining drivel but this is flat out wrong. There are estimates that the saddam crowd forcibly ended the life of about 41,000 Iraqi's a year. I seriously doubt that 20,000 Iraqis have been killed by coalition troops since the beginning of the battle.

His agenda is the security of the American homeland. I'm happy to ride that train.


Hmmm...41,000/year ...with a population of 21-22 million I'm surprised there were any Iraqis left for us to kill...And that 20,000 figure comes from???...Oh wait. Thats right! Bush made them STOP COUNTING THE CIVILIAN DEAD and seal the already counted figures so NO ONE WOULD EVER KNOW. :rolleyes:

Ink...unlike others here, I don't tell Eric what to think. Maybe he just looked at the facts in front of him and came to a more logical conclusion than you did. We all know who the enemy is that caused 9/11. And it wasn't Iraq.


Well-Known Member
My bad. I guess him citing you as a source for something to base an argument off of means you're no influence at all.

You shouldn't be one, though, considering the way you twist things and use emotion to try to persuade, instead of facts and figures. Exhibit 1: Gonz didn't say that 20,000 Iraqi civilians have been killed. He said that he doubts even that many have been. That was expressing an opinion, and you took it as though he were quoting a number he had seen somewhere. Exhibit two: at a rate of 41,000 a year, it would take 512 years to kill off 21 million. Saddam certainly wasn't in power that long. So of course there would be plenty left for us to kill.


Twist? You and Gonz are the kings of it. I simply ASKED where he came up with 20,000. And I can only assume I'm of more influence than you since eric seems to agree with my line of thought.

Emotion? Thats Gonz's toy. He learned it from the way Dubya duped all of you to believe Iraq was a threat.

Were you assigned to try to chase me from the real world forum again so you can continue your bullshit campaign for your fuhrer?