Captured Terrorists converted to criminals

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All terrorists must die!

All terrorists sent to claim their virgins.

we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds,
we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills;

we shall never surrender
9-11 Terrorists afforded all the rights granted Americans under the Constitution?

of coarse, the 9/11 families didn't suffer enough winky:rolleyes:

good muslims should poke um directly in the eye with a fire poker now.
The Plum LineGreg Sargent's blog
Poll: In New York, Opposition To Terror Trial Is Old, White, And Republican

Buried in the internals of the new Marist poll of New York City residents is a striking finding: Opposition to trying Khalid Sheik Mohammed and his co-conspirators in a New York court is almost entirely driven by old, white, and Republican voters.

The poll finds that overall, 45% of New Yorkers think the trial is a good idea, versus 41% who think it’s a bad idea.

When the numbers are broken down by age, the only group against the trial is made up of those over 65, by 46%-41%. The other age groups are in favor of it.

When the numbers are broken down by race, the only group against the trial is made up of whites, by 49%-41%. Blacks and Latinos both favor it, Latinos overwhelmingly so.

And when the poll is broken down by party, Republicans are overwhelmingly against the trial, 68%-23%. Dems and “non-enrolled” both favor it.

Suggestive. It would be interesting to see a similar breakdown of a national poll, wouldn’t it?

Special thanks to reader Ethan for the catch.
sure beats a poke in the %#&!

Here we go with the poking again
it always comes back to the poking!
Re: sure beats a poke in the %#&!

Here we go with the poking again
it always comes back to the poking!


I wonder if the cutting off of the head, blowing them up, or shooting them
are the only acceptable means of execution according to their religion.

Doesn't seem they'd like the injection method.
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