dumbass Air Force 1

Well, maybe she figured because there is a poster on the other side of the aisle who makes that sort of leap all the time, that it was OK for her to do it too, seeing as you never seem to say that he is dumber than a sack of rocks for doing the same thing.
There is a difference between debating different sides and just posting moronic tripe into a thread because you are lonely, bitter and looking for any sort of attention you can get. Occasional B.S. is tolerable. But if all you have is B.S. then it's a reflection of your inability to communicate on an intelligent level.

And yes, I understand that debating in forums is equivalent to mental masturbation... but masturbation feels good. :rofl3:
The fallguy takes one for the team!

You. Caldera. Under the bus!

$400,000 photo:

Can anyone take one of the Boeing VC-25A 747s out for a spin without the President knowing about it?

The White House Military Office, Andrews Air Force Base, the Air Mobility Command, the Presidential Airlift Group, the 89th Airlift Wing, the Federal Aviation Administration air traffic control representatives in the New York area, and "federal, state and local authorities" knew about the flight. And Obozo wants the public to believe that he didn't?
They are "his" planes for 4 years......he knew about it. You are in denial if you think he didn't. :shrug:
He didn't know about it.

Anything else is just making up shit Cerise. And whining.
Why are you getting on Cerise for making up lies and whining? I've noticed that this is the only skill she's shown to be proficient at.


You'd like to think it was a made-up lie, wouldn't you?

Do you really believe that he had absolutely no idea where his plane was? It is not merely a plane--it's a flying command center--critical to this country in a time of national crisis, and he damn well better know what is going on with it.

Of course, whether or not he'd use it in a time of national crisis is up for question. Inasmuch as he is bent on burning this country to the ground and rebuilding it in his own image, probably not. :shrug:


You'd like to think it was a made-up lie, wouldn't you?

oh [ENOUGH NAME CALLING - GONZ]. It is a made up lie. You have no proof or anything to back up your claim and are just making up shit to whine about.

Of course, whether or not he'd use it in a time of national crisis is up for question. Inasmuch as he is bent on burning this country to the ground and rebuilding it in his own image, probably not. :shrug:

See, you're making up more shit.
oh cuntservatives. It is a made up lie. You have no proof or anything to back up your claim and are just making up shit to whine about.

See, you're making up more shit.

So if it is true that the Idiot-in-Chief had absolutely no idea where his plane was at, are you OK with that?
"Obama had been described as furious when the incident occurred on April 27 and demanded a review."

hmmm. certainly not barack. aren't you bored with this yet?
2minkey;631098aren't you bored with this yet?[/QUOTE said:
After 8 years that started with "Selected, not elected", there is a whole bunch of catch up to do.