dumbass Air Force 1

yeah, but I tired of officials or aids getting blame, some going out, but
Nobody getting prosecuted.

If I Stole 300k+, I'd be in jail.
You could look at it as if he (Louis Caldera) stole the money from the taxpayers when he sent the plane for those photos, and I'd agree with you on that in principle. But he had the authority to make that request, and at worst it could be considered misappropriation of tax payer money. (Also pretty high on my list of offensive government actions.)

I don't see him being prosecuted, but I'm glad this dim bulb had the sense to resign. :shrug:

His statement:
"Last week, I approved a mission over New York. I take responsibility for that decision. While federal authorities took the proper steps to notify state and local authorities in New York and New Jersey, it's clear that the mission created confusion and disruption. I apologize and take responsibility for any distress that flight caused."

Next question on the agenda - "state and local authorities" in NY & NJ had been notified....

A New York City employee has been disciplined for failing to pass on the FAA fly over information when it arrived on the employee's desk at City Hall.

According to city officials the employee was "reprimanded" and a "letter was placed in his file."

No information was immediately available on what if any discipline was meted out at the NYPD, where a second FAA notice was received last Thursday.
A reprimand? That's it?
The question then becomes, did Anyone question his authority?....
when this was clearly a stupid idea.
Sounds like that whole branch is screwed, and with not enough oversight.
The question then becomes, did Anyone question his authority?....
when this was clearly a stupid idea.
Sounds like that whole branch is screwed, and with not enough oversight.
"The Director of the White House Military Office (WHMO) is the principal advisor to the White House for all military support. The WHMO Director oversees the policies involving Department of Defense assets. He ensures that White House requirements are clearly communicated to the WHMO Directorates and meet the highest standards of Presidential quality."*

So the Director of WHMO has the authority to make the decision on use of Airforce One. It is assumed that the person in that position can handle that sort of authority without having someone hold his/her hand. If you have too many people in the chain to authorize you have a bureaucracy beyond measure. Some responsibility must be handed off.

Grade for recent Director of WHMO, Louis Caldera >> FAIL!!!

*taken from Wikipedia-White House Military Office
OK... here's more from the Wiki... maybe this will help...
"The WHMO's operational units are the most visible element of the WHMO's support to the President. The WHMO units include the: White House Communications Agency, Presidential Airlift Group, White House Medical Unit, Camp David, Marine Helicopter Squadron One, Presidential Food Service, White House Transportation Agency, White House Social Aides, and Military Aides to the President. To assure proper coordination and integration between the WHMO units and customers the WHMO Headquarters organization includes support elements such as Operations; Policy, Plans, and Requirements; Information and Technology Management; Financial Management and Comptroller; WHMO Counsel, and Security. Together the WHMO's entities provide essential service to the President as well as help assure the continuity of the Presidency."
yeah that's the other problem with it....
Military is not supposed to enter states except under certain conditions.
Why do we need a bureaucracy in the mix?

I'm just saying....this was not a mistake.
It's way too big to be called Just a mistake.
There's something else wrong here.

Gotta change that part of the system in some way.
yeah that's the other problem with it....
Military is not supposed to enter states except under certain conditions.
Why do we need a bureaucracy in the mix?

I'm just saying....this was not a mistake.
It's way too big to be called Just a mistake.
There's something else wrong here.

Gotta change that part of the system in some way.
The military cross state borders all the time for transport. Not sure what you're getting at here. There are military posts all over the US.
?????????????Conspiracy theory???????????
what was being transported

did the proper state authorities get notified?
That's where I was going with the post below...
Next question on the agenda - "state and local authorities" in NY & NJ had been notified....
A New York City employee has been disciplined for failing to pass on the FAA fly over information when it arrived on the employee's desk at City Hall.

According to city officials the employee was "reprimanded" and a "letter was placed in his file."

No information was immediately available on what if any discipline was meted out at the NYPD, where a second FAA notice was received last Thursday.
A reprimand? That's it?
If I lived in NY I would be furious. I'd want that employee's head on a stick (with a biscuit, just like you get at the fair).
......when he sent the plane for those photos, and I'd agree with you on that in principle. But he had the authority to make that request......
His statement:
"Last week, I approved a mission over New York. I take responsibility for that decision.

Really! You can't be that thick and still breathing!

He approved that mission, he had the authority to make that request.

He was just following orders. :shrug:

And now he is under the bus.

yeah that's the other problem with it....
Military is not supposed to enter states except under certain conditions.
Why do we need a bureaucracy in the mix?

I'm just saying....this was not a mistake.
It's way too big to be called Just a mistake.
There's something else wrong here.

Gotta change that part of the system in some way.

one of these theories Has to be correct.
blablablabla... nothing coherent to add... blablabla... more screeching... blablabla... unhealthy obsession with Obama... blablabla...

When you've got something constructive to add to the discussion, I'll respond. You bore me. :rolleyes:
"The Director of the White House Military Office (WHMO) is the principal advisor to the White House for all military support. The WHMO Director oversees the policies involving Department of Defense assets. He ensures that White House requirements are clearly communicated to the WHMO Directorates and meet the highest standards of Presidential quality."*

So the Director of WHMO has the authority to make the decision on use of Airforce One. It is assumed that the person in that position can handle that sort of authority without having someone hold his/her hand. If you have too many people in the chain to authorize you have a bureaucracy beyond measure. Some responsibility must be handed off.

I don't get how you get this guy has the authority, when it says, he is basically is a messenger, not the decision maker...
which is it?
IMO failed job, just ain't good enough.

nope responsibility can not be handed off. The president is the buck stopper, he said so himself.
If obama didn't authorize this, then that isn't the definition you provided.
It just can't be both ways.

When you've got something constructive to add to the discussion, I'll respond. You bore me. :rolleyes:

If I bore you, then what's the deal with your obsession with me?

Miss Thang = Typical librul elite. :rolleyes: Always trying to give the impression that she is just a Leeeeeetle Bit Better.