Geckos don't like Glenn Beck

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New Member
Nope, there was never any indoctrination. Just hysterical psycho haters making the GOP look more and more crazy.

I love it. When you make the right come out against education and encourage their kids to skip school it's very effective at getting them to alienate even more of their base. Fantastic.

Even Joe Scarborough asked, "Where are all the GOP leaders speaking out against this kind of hysteria?" They are, alas, nowhere to be found. As John Cole explained, "The entire party has been taken over by crazy people."


molṑn labé
Staff member
None of it matters. Obama has, once again, scaled back his plans.

Funny, when the light shines on him, he changes his mind.

Hey spike, George I at teh school...looked like PR to me.


New Member
None of it matters. Obama has, once again, scaled back his plans.

Funny, when the light shines on him, he changes his mind.

More like when nutjobs start screaming about "indoctrination" he leaves them nothing to bitch about.

Hey spike, George I at teh school...looked like PR to me.

You must have been outraged.


New Member
“I’m doing a story tonight. I wanted to debunk these FEMA camps, but we’ve now done research on them, and I CAN’T DEBUNK THEM.” - Glenn Beck

"no knowledge of any plausible alibi Glenn Beck has that would prove he didn’t rape and murder that girl in 1990. Lexis Nexis provides 0 articles that state Glenn Beck didn’t rape and murder a girl for the entire year of 1990. Some say Glenn Beck has spent possibly THREE BILLION DOLLARS to cover up the fact that he raped and murdered a girl in 1990. "
- Internet



Well-Known Member
How's that boycott working now?

The Oblahma admin is so lily-livered that they made the racist, communist, cop-hating troofer leave at the witching hour on Saturday of a holiday weekend.



New Member
How's that boycott working now?

Working great.

"The trickle of advertisers saying goodbye to Fox News fire-starter Glenn Beck for calling President Obama a racist has turned into a torrent.

Mercedes-Benz, Capital One, HSBC, Discover and seven other big firms are yanking their ads from Beck's show, boycott organizers said Wednesday.

"We applaud those companies that have recently pulled their support from Beck," James Rucker, executive director of, said Wednesday.

"There are at least 57 companies who will not tolerate Beck's race-baiting comments."


Well-Known Member
Do you think it is possible 0bama knew about Jones' attack on Beck, and approved it?

After all, Jones works for......uh make that WORKED for 0bama.


Well-Known Member
Glenn Beck statement on resignation of Van Jones

The American people stood up and demanded answers. Instead of providing them, the Administration had Jones resign under cover of darkness. I continue to be amazed by the power of everyday Americans to initiate change in our government through honest questioning, and judging by the other radicals in the administration, I expect that questioning to continue for the foreseeable future.


New Member
The American people didn't demand answers.

Also Jones didn't attack Beck. Color of Change did. Jones hasn't been active there for quite some time.

Keep up the spin spin spin though.


New Member
Remember Glenn Beck's mysteeerious video of Obama's Secret Negro Army?™ It's pretty much the foundation of his entire conspiracy theory on the impending takeover of the country by armed Obama thugs, and serves today as the linchpin of the "Obama indoctrination" nontroversy. If you haven't seen it, it's about 1:10 into this clip:

"Stop, stop, stop!" Glenn Beck cries -- as the Secret Negro Army™ declares its intentions to become doctors and lawyers. (Shudder!)

Beck acts like it's a mystery who these "dangerous" black children are. "They've sealed this as tight as a drum," he says with his characteristic nervous urgency. The subtext is clear: be afraid! Be very afraid of this mysterious video!

Well, mystery solved. Thanks to one of my commenters at Osborne Ink, Obama's Secret Negro Army™ has been positively high school step dancers. You know, like these guys:


molṑn labé
Staff member
He doesn't provide links so going there is pointless.

The American people didn't demand answers.

Horsehit. Jones didn't step down because of one radio show host.

One radio show host did provide insight that the working class doesn't have time to investigate on their own, without a lead.


Well-Known Member
Liberal talkradio should saddle up and inspire all the people that listen to it to take a stand against her and, uh.....and........ooooh, soooory, nevermind.
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