I want to see

Found a news-piece though :)

Hometown Crocodile

BOLO for a 90-year-old, one-eyed, nearly toothless crocodile

Thieves in my little hometown of North Fort Myers once again broke into the Octagon animal showcase. They stole money, fed steaks to the lions, left a big bag of cheese by the lake, and let out an elderly crocodile. Sounds like a wild night.

Despite his missing teeth, “He could still do damage to you,†cautioned caretaker Silas Caldwell.

While alligators are more plentiful (my nephew had an altercation with one just the other day), Florida also has its own native crocodiles.

Posted by floridacracker at January 3, 2004 07:41 PM
No piccies....I have to login to get access to the site and no guarantees that the spam it'll get my will be worth the effort. :shrug:
Yeah, found that one. They're not asking you to log in, they're asking you to buy the article.

No way.
Damned if I can tell whether he's got one or two. That's why I didn't use him 4 hours ago.

However, it's DJCake's call.
HomeLAN said:
Damned if I can tell whether he's got one or two. That's why I didn't use him 4 hours ago.

However, it's DJCake's call.
I read the article that went with it... the pic subscript states "One-eyed Alligator"

Where's DJ when we need him ?
MrBishop said:
don't do that! - Leslie
Aw c'mon Les... it was just a link to Google-images with a search-string thrown in for good measure. S'not like I actually posted pics ;)