I was forced to degrade myself ...


Well-Known Member
I am a coffee snob ... I only drink Kona Coffee .. even if it's blended, the main thing is that it's Kona Coffee ... well, I ran out of coffee .. and it was too early to run over to ku'u's house and go rummaging through her fridge .. so ... so ... *having flashbacks* ... so I made Yuban! :ashamed: ... I know, I know .. what am I doing with Yuban in my house? Our elder aunty was on the compound for a time and when she left, she gave me the rest of the can ... so I put it away in case there are visitors who come around and don't necessarily need to have Kona coffee ... and ... and .. I made the Yuban :crying2: .. and I drank it ...:crying3: .... but I just couldn't finish the cup ... :crying4: ... I cried to ku'u first thing this morning ...

:crying5: :crying6:
I was forced to degrade myself ...

Darn...i thought this was going to be some sexually explicit thread. ?(
HeXp£Øi± said:
I was forced to degrade myself ...

Darn...i thought this was going to be some sexually explicit thread. ?(

Why do you think I said I'm sorry?
silly, even if I was still sleeping, I'd understand if you had to rummage in the fridge for coffee ... I mean, it's coffee for christsakes ...

HeXp£Øi± said:
I was forced to degrade myself ...

Darn...i thought this was going to be some sexually explicit thread. ?(

hmm... knowing me (granted you know very little), why would you think anything I did that had anything to do with sex would be degrading? ;)
I follow my mom's advice .. use it .. or lose it

Yuban? Are you mad? Better to live without than to have to drink a cup of that tainted floor sweep compound. Gross.
unclehobart said:
Yuban? Are you mad? Better to live without than to have to drink a cup of that tainted floor sweep compound. Gross.

I know .. *sniff* .. I know you're probably disappointed in me .. and ashamed .. but ... I was .. desperate ... :crying2:
nalani said:
unclehobart said:
Yuban? Are you mad? Better to live without than to have to drink a cup of that tainted floor sweep compound. Gross.

I know .. *sniff* .. I know you're probably disappointed in me .. and ashamed .. but ... I was .. desperate ... :crying2:
Don' be a worryin, mon. I have a high threshold of shame for everyone who isn't me.
*shakes you violently*

who are you and what have you done with Rob and why the hell did you replace him with a philosopher?!?!?!?!
