JJR out?

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nobody believes me.... i am out to take over the internet


  • brainf.gif
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are you gonna be taking over homedepot.com anytime soon? I want a new screen door, I'd like a nice fat discount. :D
You can't have my site. It means too much to me. *hugs site close to her bosom*

But if you take over Tiger Direct, can I get free stuff?? :D
AlladinSane said:
greenfreak said:
When Xi and OTC were down, JJR served as an information portal, maybe we can return the favor now.
That's why I posted here, if one knows the e-mail address of Wetling, ash or catocom could please contact them? I was hoping Inky would see this but I'm not sure if he's still part of the high staff...

As far as I know, I'm atill an assistant admin there. I don't get to do bulletin boards in general as often now, because of work and finals. In any event, although I was an assistant admin, I never got the FTP password or anything, so there's nothing I'd be able to do about it anyway.
hi, this is ash, aka jjr's sister.
lol, i just joined! yay! :D

but anyway, yes, as people have said, he's moved to a new appartment.
he hasnt got a phone line yet.
however, the other day he discovered (i forget how) that he could get a cable connection for free.... so i think he ought to be back in on the online world soon.
ashr dont let on they think im taking over the internet...:cool:

Q the homedepot site is next in line.

PT didnt you know i already owned all those sites?:D
i dont think he is aware. he stopped by here last night, but i think it was still up-and-running then.
there's no way to contact him, but the second he calls somehow, or stops by again (hopefully soon), i'll most definitely tell him.
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