Now accepting donations for the upkeep of Xi, OTC, and TSS


Staff member
We've arrived at a point where Sam can no longer afford to absorb the cost of hosting the three sites alone, so we've decided to start accepting donations. There will be a button at the bottom linking you to Paypal, allowing you to pitch in a donation (or however many donations you want) of $5.00 US.

Don't get the wrong idea, we are neither requiring nor ASKING for these donations in order for you to stay here, we are merely offering a button where people who wish to donate towards keeping the three sites up can put in however much they wish. I said all three sites, not just one, because they are all on the same hosting account.

However, as thanks for any gracious donations you might offer, we will give you a free email account for any donation you make.
For those of you who donate and wish to pick up your account, please make sure the email address you use with Paypal is current, I will be sending emails to people asking for details, based on the address that shows up when a donation is made, or if I can't get a hold of you on that one, I'll try to find you in MSN/AIM/Yahoo or send you a PM on one of the boards.
Just so you get something out of your donation other than the satisfaction of knowing the sites will (hopefully) stay up :D
Psst... I'm also accepting personal donations to my Paypal account :brow:[/siz]

:D Just kidding
As soon as I get my salary I can apply for a creditcard, and once I get it you're the first to receive a donation :headbang:
Can you post totals here? Not by name, just a total $$$ amount you guys received? It should be interesting.
Just a suggestion, but other boards I have belonged to have added an extra title of "contributing member" if you've donated to the maintenance of the board .. something you might want to consider :)
Got it :hairbng2:

I put up the titles on those of you who I recall have donated. If I missed you and you donated, please let me know. If I missed you and you didn't donate, then donate! We might be able to get on a nice server! :headbang: