Secrets of female orgasm revealed

Originally posted by L. Summerton ought to ask one of your gals next time. It's kind of important ;) :D

i know where it is........i just wanted......*ahem* to make sure *ahem* :D

I think that would be a mite against the AUP. I'd have to suffer the wrath of fury's fury if I did that :eek:

Annakin - please sit down with Prof and have a very very long informational discussion :D
:bgtup: I know how to work a doorbell per se.. what fun... for both.
*ding dong ding dong* *squeeee*

:biggs: This is Red 5 ... I'm going into the trench. *yum*

:bgking: I'm the king, baby!

:drink: Have a few ... slip into the mood.

:eggcrack: I hear your ovaries crying out for attention ..

:knob: You know how I like it...

:ladysman: Bring a friend

:la: I aim to please

:medieval: I have toys

:moon2: Show me the sweet

:spank: I'm open minded

Daddy want candy... *purrr*