so...the Olympics are on...

K62 said:
Canadian women just beat Sweden (who put up a good fight) 4-1, for the gold!

In this tournament Canada had goals in the high 40's (48 I believe) against 2 scored against them, both from Sweden.

I heard that some boats were going out from Nova Scotia today for training, I was wondering if you were gonna be on one...but I guess your posting answers that question for me :)
Leslie said:
I watched curling today.


I watched the men's...I love the newfie accents...I didn't find it as boring as I would have guessed.
Leslie said:
I watched curling today.


love watching it cause it sounds like a newfie porn soundtrack

[curling voice]HARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRDDDDD!!!!![/curling voice]
paul_valaru said:
love watching it cause it sounds like a newfie porn soundtrack

[curling voice]HARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRDDDDD!!!!![/curling voice]

hahahahahahaha it's SO TRUE! but it's "ARRRRRRRRRD" :D
Nixy said:
I heard that some boats were going out from Nova Scotia today for training, I was wondering if you were gonna be on one...but I guess your posting answers that question for me :)

Nope! I am leaving in April (I believe) for around 3-4 months.
Nooooo! We had some days hit over 40c that summer! Too hot for a salty east coaster like myself.

I have no idear where I will be sailing yet, I believe I will be on the west coast though. *hopes for Hawaii* :D
unclehobart said:
Canadian men just got smoked by the Swiss... no gold medal this year.
Now I really can say it. It looks like were both out in the cold. Damn Rus-Lat-Finns... Damn their blue eyes.
They were incredibly embarassingly sucky in all the games I watched.

I half wonder if it was simply because they had to be *gasp* clean no-fighty matches.
lol here`s my answer -
Captain said:
"It's a different game here," Sakic said, "but I never thought scoring would have been a problem.
"On the big [Olympic-size] ice surface, I think we were trying to be too cute and not playing our [forechecking and physical] game."
Defenseman said:
While the Canadians did run into some hot goaltending at these Olympics, they simply took too many costly penalties.

Defenceman Chris Pronger said his team had a tough time adjusting to the new rules early on, believing the game was going to be called to NHL standards.

"At times we got caught up in what was going to be called and what wasn't, and what other teams were getting away with," said Pronger, who finished the tournament with three points. "It's a matter of adjusting and understanding what they are and aren't going to call.

"At times we got caught thinking we could get away with something and weren't able to."
It was nice to watch not-fighty games for a change.
Leslie said:
They were incredibly embarassingly sucky in all the games I watched.

I half wonder if it was simply because they had to be *gasp* clean no-fighty matches.

Yeah, they played like crap.

I think you can say, without a doubt Canada has the most talented team. They never played AS a team though! Nobody stood out at all...

Bahh, pure bullshit. Maybe in 4 years...
I hate how Wayne Gretzky is reevaluating his position with team Canada :(

He picked a GOOD team, they didn't end up working together as a team and all the flip flopping rules (old NHL, to new NHL, to Olympics) got them...but they were all AMAZING players...I don't think this is his fault but people are putting it on him :( More Wayne :mope: