This joke will probably get me in huge trouble


New Member
Take it how you wish.
I'm a quipster by nature. My goal is usually to amuse people (mainly like-minded ones) while throwing in bits of info. If that means I want attention, then so be it.


New Member
Uki Chick said:
I could probably use that recipe. I've been trying to shake off this cold since last thursday.

Not that I'm glad you and PT and others have been sick, but I'm glad I wasn't the only one battling a summer cold this week.


Staff member all had colds? can ya catch a cold through a keyboard? :alienhuh:

My kids went off with their dad this weekend...the morning after they went I got knocked on my ass with strep throat...just today I'm feeling better. :( *self pities all alone*


New Member
Rose said:
Not that I'm glad you and PT and others have been sick, but I'm glad I wasn't the only one battling a summer cold this week.

Yeah, I've never understood that. It's 95+ outside with low humidity, and yet I find a way to get a stuffy nose and a sore throat. What the fuck? It'd be like getting heat-stroke in the middle of a blizzard.
Oh and Leslie: I sympathize, if that's any consolation.


New Member
Digital said:
Yeah, I've never understood that. It's 95+ outside with low humidity, and yet I find a way to get a stuffy nose and a sore throat. What the fuck? It'd be like getting heat-stroke in the middle of a blizzard.

I think it would be funny to die of heat stroke in the middle of a blizzard. At least you know you're going to be the topic of family conversations for a few years.

"You kids today and your sissy strep throat, and whooping cough. My great grandpa was a real man. Yep. Died of heat stroke... In the middle of a blizzard! Beat that!"


New Member
pc_builder said:
I think it would be funny to die of heat stroke in the middle of a blizzard. At least you know you're going to be the topic of family conversations for a few years.

"You kids today and your sissy strep throat, and whooping cough. My great grandpa was a real man. Yep. Died of heat stroke... In the middle of a blizzard! Beat that!"

As great, ironic, and humorous as that would be; it'd also put a serious damper in my quest for knowledge. Yeah, I'll have to respectfully decline the challenge. :tardbang: (I like your emoticons)


Well-Known Member
Spliffy said:
I didnt bother to look at the date. Just think some ppl here are sick.

yea and? People see things differently. Ink found it funny. doesnt make him sick. now if hes killing babies thats different.

Uki Chick

New Member
MrBishop said:

Seap the flowers in hot water...drain...drink...repeat.
If you're not fond of the taste...try buying it at a local health store.

Beyond all that...Chicken soup (spicy), plenty of liquids, and two baby aspirins per day.

That's no help. I already use Echinicea! What I usually do also is make myself a hot cup of tea with honey, lemon and a shot of apricot brandy. Helps to sweat it out!


New Member
Digital said:
Yeah, I've never understood that. It's 95+ outside with low humidity, and yet I find a way to get a stuffy nose and a sore throat. What the fuck? It'd be like getting heat-stroke in the middle of a blizzard.
Oh and Leslie: I sympathize, if that's any consolation.

Yup yup, weather's about the same here. Cold anyway. Why do they call it a cold again anyway? I suppose it is better than allergies in that it should only last a max of a week or so, not all season. *shrugs*

We had our first week of kid's camp at work. Don't ask me why the membership director is in charge of kid's camp and spending a week with the brats, but I think I haven't any immunities to kid's and the lil' bastards got me sick.

At least that's my story.

/me dreads next week when it's the second (AND LAST!) week of camp for the summer

Uki Chick

New Member
I think the air conditioning in my office had something to do with it. One day you're freezing, the next your boiling, it's never consistant. Either that, or someone gave it to me from a wedding we were at or something.


Well-Known Member
Gonz said:
Welcome Digital. Enjoy your stay. We welcome all comers & only boot the real assholes. Which side are you on?

I vote for asshole.

you're all a bunch of sissy ass mofukahs. You're too anal, and wrapped up in your sad little secure worlds

Welcome to OTC Ditigal... have fun, post lots and RTFM (AUP)


New Member
Rose said:
Yup yup, weather's about the same here. Cold anyway. Why do they call it a cold again anyway? I suppose it is better than allergies in that it should only last a max of a week or so, not all season. *shrugs*

We had our first week of kid's camp at work. Don't ask me why the membership director is in charge of kid's camp and spending a week with the brats, but I think I haven't any immunities to kid's and the lil' bastards got me sick.

At least that's my story.

/me dreads next week when it's the second (AND LAST!) week of camp for the summer

Those damn punk kids. They need to learn to control their diseases. Where are their parrents?
Anyways, I think this emoticon says it all for my night! :drink: :drink:


Well-Known Member
Digital said:
Yeah, I've never understood that. It's 95+ outside with low humidity, and yet I find a way to get a stuffy nose and a sore throat. What the fuck? It'd be like getting heat-stroke in the middle of a blizzard.

Cold is an airborne doesn't effect it. Most get it from being indoors too much trying to avoid the cold.


New Member
IDLEchild said:
Cold is an airborne doesn't effect it.

No, but you'd think the 2 glasses of OJ I consume for breakfast would. That, or the Mango Orange Smoothy I have for lunch.

IDLEchild said:
Most get it from being indoors too much trying to avoid the cold.

Or going to work where the entire place has 3 different colds going around...Thankfully my immunie system rawks out with its cock out. It didn't last long.


Well-Known Member
Digital said:
No, but you'd think the 2 glasses of OJ I consume for breakfast would. That, or the Mango Orange Smoothy I have for lunch.
So is that OJ's punishment for stockpiling those hacked DirecTV boxes? :D