Upgraded the forum software.

Professur said:
Oddly enough, I wasn't. I was taught to let then get in the first shot, tho. After that, they've earned whatever they get.

I made the mistake of breaking up...ahem, ATTEMPTING to break up...a catfight once...ONCE
I thought she was fat?

And no, I don't need to see it again. I'll just take it on faith that she's not.
Leslie said:
I thought she was fat?

And no, I don't need to see it again. I'll just take it on faith that she's not.

I am pretty sure she's fat
Her rump is two feet closer to the camera than her chest, and the rest is pretty well indescript.
*wonders if there's more than one tubgirl
The one I saw was this gigantical beached whale in a tub with shit and stuff.
I'm fairly certain there's more than one. The one I'm referring to was wearing a Mardi Gras mask, and doing an imitation of a fountain. Shall we swap links?
Ok, back on topic for a bit, if you go to the quick links at the top of the page there is a new selection.
Im finding stats mods to install. The first i have installed is the "top posters" i have incremented it by 24 hour, 7 and 28 days and overall.
Hope you like it. :)
ok im getting dangerously brave now, i have added the new who has visited today at the bottom of the forum home page. :devil:
you sure about that Sam? i dont see either of them.


the top poster thingy is there now.

***edit #2***

top poster thingy is only showing on the teal version.
have i finally lost my mind or am i just hallucinating?
ok i know for sure that
"Total members that have visited the forum today: 41 " is showing under all styles, but it appears that the top posters is only showing in the OTC TEAL style. it is under the quicklinks tab on the forums home page.