BeardofPants said:
Why did I ever agree to sign up for an eleven hour shift, and why are weekend workers all so fuckin' lazy!?

answer to question 1 Because you are a sucker

answer to question 2 Because they are drunk
BeardofPants said:
I'm wondering who the hell the anonymous karma person is who keeps humping me. :eek6:

I ain't been drinkin' for a while.....so it prolly ain't me :alienhuh:

admins can track karma if yer being plagued BoP ;)

Thinkin': Rain fucking sucks! Anuvver day with no profit at work :mope:
Nah, it's okay, that was just me wonderin' who the last two pips of karma came from... I figured that'd get their attention, and hopefully make them sign their name off next time;)
BeardofPants said:
I'm wondering who the hell the anonymous karma person is who keeps humping me. :eek6:

havent given you karma lately so not me love. I havent given anyone any karma.

that I need to get some food
I loob French Onion dip...i looob...LOOOBB JOOO...FRENCH ONION DIP I LOOOBB JOooo so muchhhh

OMG.....XD!!! I loob French Onion DIP...IT ROXXXOO0033RRSS....OMGZZZ...LOLZZZ!!!...iII LOBB JOO

french onion dip.....PWNSSSSSS....TOTALL PWNAGE DUDE...OMG HX0033RRSSS
i like totally like this gurl and she like totallly ignores and im like soooooo bummed and stuff lol!!...i like really like want to like ask dis gurl like out and stuff and im like sooo nervus lololol...
Whoa....when did BOP turn cute??

I accidently clicked on her profile and hellloooooo.

Resplendent indeed madmoiselle, resplendent indeed.....

freako104 said:
ummm ok good luck wiht that BCD

lol omg!! dank u so much lol