what are you wearing?

well since i just woke up, I am wearing my sleep pants and a tshirt......YES undergarmets are included...excluding the bra..
Lesse... A yellow Birdie tshirt(not me in pic):

An Aikido jacket(damn they're comfortable):

And a pair of black pants.
Bkue jeans and an untucked polo shirt. The Home Depot's dress code specifies collared shirts for male employees.
my encyclopedia britannica definition of acting t-shirt....small print front and back....and a pair of jean shorts.
freako104 said:
black Misfits tee
black jeans
black socks
black shoes
Final Fantasy 8 pendant
Simpsons boxers

How... bohemian. :D (except maybe the Simpsons boxers)
Tan suede boots (steel-toed)
Desert Camoflauge Pants
Desert Camoflauged 'overgarment'
Tan T-shirt
grey boxer/briefs
white socks (gotta have something I can see) ;)