What does a Canadian have to be proud of?


Staff member
Didn't notice penicillin in that list before, definitely questionable. The insulin bit is true though, Banting and Best. Banting's house still stands about 10 minutes from where I live.


New Member
This isn't so much a pro Canada list as it is an anti America rant.

sb, Just because you did a cut and paste from some other site it does not make it true no matter how many cheap digs and smilies you slam in there. Pride for where you live is a good thing, just don't base it all on venom for the US.


New Member
I don't think it's based so much on venom for the US, rather the US (and the rest of us) take many of those things for granted without really knowing where they came from.

Sometimes it is supprising to find out various things weren't infact invented in the US (and that's a compliment to the US in a round about sort of way).


New Member
Inventions, yes. I don't have a problem with 'it was created here first' lauding. I object to the non invention ones with the overt US slamming: 15,20,27. 11 is so full of holes, I don't know where to begin.


New Member
Eesh, that's not overt slamming, that's a just some light fun. Take it in humor :D

So a couple Canadians wants to have a turn a re-writing history as well :p


New Member
And of course (but this one, everybody knew...)
wrong about the telephone. Strange... Graham Bell, inventor of the phone was also born in Scotland and moved to London, exactly as the guy who invented penicilin.
Time to change the title of the tread, I think !
Oh, and the guy who said he invented the telephone just before Bell was an American. NO Canadian. This is a desinformation board. :rolleyes:

outside looking in

<b>Registered Member</b>
pfft. Don't take it so hard... there will always be lists like these, because the US (whether they want to believe it or not) is the world leader. Cheap shots are always taken at the leader... whether it be the world leader or the boy scout leader.

Things like this used to bother me, but don't anymore. I just remember how happy I am to be living here, and all is well. :cool: :p


Staff member
Maybe we'll like this one better:

... You Know You're a Canadian when . . . .

1) You only know three spices - salt, pepper and ketchup.
2) Driving is better in the winter because the potholes are filled in with snow.
3) You think sexy lingerie is tube-socks and a flannel nightie with only 8 buttons.
4) You owe more money on your snowmobile than your car.
5) The local paper covers national and international headlines on 1 page, but requires 6 pages for hockey.
7) At least twice a year, the kitchen doubles as a meat processing plant.
8) The most effective mosquito repellent is a shotgun.
9) Your snowblower gets stuck on the roof.
10) You know which leaves make good toilet paper.
11) You find -40C a little chilly.
12) The trunk of your car doubles as a deep freezer.
13) You attend a formal event in your best clothes, your finest jewelry and your Sorrels.
14) You actually get these jokes and forward them to all your Canadian friends.


Staff member
Yes, with all of these I think you have to be here.

btw, just noticed they spelled Sorels wrong. :)


Staff member
lol! And Corey Hart!!!


laugh.gif, 0.25kb



New Member
I met this Canadian chick (Quebecian) and she was soooo fucking obsessed with Celine Dion, it was unbelievable, kept on going on and on about her. It was literally one of the saddest things I have ever seen in my entire life. :D

But I know the Frenchies are slightly different to you hosers. ;) Most Canadians I know are from BC, smoke way too much weed, and think people from south of the border are a load of crap-talking, lilly-livered, penily-challenged arsebandits that like to fuck up their beautiful country at the weekend and can't ride for shit. :p

Kristen Kreuk is Candian, eh? Beauty...



New Member
Kids in the Hall, RUSH SAGA, BTO, Alanis, Shania, ...and that bitch Anne Murray, too. Blame Canada! Blame Canada! sorry... had to do it. :D

Bret Hart, Bobby Orr, Gretzky, Elvis Stojko, Maurice 'the rocket' Richard, Carrie Anne Moss.

Sanford Fleming: created standarized world time zones.
Maude Abbot: Advanced the field of cardiology massively before women were even allowed on medicine.
Frances Gertrude McGill: Pioneer of Forensic Pathology
Andrew McNaughton: Invented early radar and sold the rights to the Canadian government for 1$
Harold Elford Johns: Invented radiation physics treatments for cancer.

I think the beef with the telephone is that Bell did his work on it in Brantford, Ontario.


Staff member
this will only be for us Canucks I think, but do you remember the "Waltz of the Logdriver"??? :D

Edit - this was a short film from the National Film Board played on CBC during commercial breaks. Couldn't find the whole thing, but found the lyrics:

If you ask any girl
From the parish around
What pleases her most
From her head to her toes
She'll say I'm not sure
That it's business of yours
But I do like to waltz with my Logdriver

For he goes whirling down and down the white water
That's where the Logdriver learns to step lightly
Yes whirling down and down the white water
Logdriver's waltz pleases girls completely

When the drive's nearly over
I like to go down and watch all the men as they work on the river
They know that come evening they'll be in the town
And we all like to waltz with our Logdriver


To please both my parents
I had to give way, and dance with the doctors and merchants and lawyers
Their manners are fine
But their feet are aflame, and none can compare with my Logdriver


I've taken my chances with all sorts of men
But none can compare with my lad on the river
And when the drive's over
If he asks me again
I think I will marry my Logdriver

And the tune (sung by someone else but you'll get the point - what a trip down memory lane! :D
