What goes around, comes around


Well-Known Member
The NY Journal Sentinel decided that it would be a good idea to post an interactive map with all of the names and addresses of every firearms permit holder in two counties. The bad part was that it also, by extension, showed which houses are unarmed against home invasions and burglary. Their intent, of course, was to demonize the firearms owners.

Now, a couple of bloggers have posted the names, addresses, photos, and interior shots of the homes of those who posted the map.


Blogger Posts Newspaper Staff Addresses Over 'Gun Map'

Adds map, photos of publisher's house
By Mark Russell, Newser Staff

Posted Dec 27, 2012 7:09 AM CST
(Newser) – The interactive map of gun-owning homes published by Westchester's Journal News inspired more than outrage: Now a Connecticut lawyer has published the home addresses and phone numbers of the Journal News' publisher and 50 employees on his blog, reports Tech Crunch.

“I don’t know whether the Journal’s publisher Janet Hasson is a permit holder herself, but here’s how to find her to ask,” writes blogger Christopher Fountain, who added a Google Maps shot of Hasson's house, complete with interior shots via Zillow.

Another enterprising blogger even took that data and made another interactive map of his own.

"Ironically, the promise of open data was supposed to lead to open-minded discussion," notes Tech Crunch's Gregory Ferenstein, but it "appears that transparency lends itself equally to being both a tool of democracy or a partisan weapon."
It's fun to see what happens when one tries to make news instead of following journalistic practices of simply reporting it
there are perez hiltons distributed across the political landscape. sensationalism rules the day. and that is all.

well, that and you guys lap it up like felines at the milk trough. in fact the news sources peeler posts all the time are little more than redneck bottom feeders. they're as bad as huff-po only less able to string together coherent arguments. but, then, typically they don't need to because low-grade identity politics almost requires a lack of literacy - talk too fancy and you're one of them new york or west coast commies.

"there's that fag talk again."
The source is irrelevant. A local newspaper posted the names & addresses (map included) of
gun permit holders in a two county region. As peel points out, it also shows the "safe houses",
where guns are not legally held.

That is simply gotcha politics & is 100% unacceptable.

The fact that you choose to allow this is an indicator of your failures, not anyone elses.
He is like Spike in that regard. If the source is not to his liking then the story is untrue. If the source is from a source which is to his liking then the story is overrated.
you guys are just too much.

"an indicator of your failures." LOL. i didn't "allow" anything you finger-pointing trollop.

what happened in the referenced 'outing' of the child killers er gun owners is 100% unacceptable.

my point was is that you guys chimp-off on the same level of shit. repeatedly.

and no jim, i object to the source when the source has a clear pattern of engaging with moronic narratives and a present example follows the pattern.

if you want to dance in diarrhea, that's you business, but don't blame me for pointing and laughing.
If you think for one moment that gun owners in America
would really fight to keep them then I've got
some beachfront property I'd like to sell you in Gila Bend
You are likely correct but there will be those who will fight. How many the government is willing to publicly kill to take their firearms is a mystery. Of course, the propaganda outlets will be in full swing to demonize the firearms owners and their "crimes" against the state.
now now Minky old boy
I know you'll be the first to claim that you won't give up yer guns
your weapons aren't registered in your name anywhere are they
so just having them will be a crime, it's not like they will be coming after you
in the first round, or you gonna turn them in and claim you didn't?
of course i would comply with any new law.

that's not a clever way of saying i had a boating accident.

or that i haven't already got MREs, celox packets, and a bazooka hidden in my butt in case the zombies attack tomorrow.
well there you go
millions of Americans (you and me included)
would keep our weapons and acknowledge that we are committing a criminal act?
that said
The boatman prolly shouldn't be in possession of anything more dangerous than a slingshot
As I said, how many Americans will the government be willing to publicly kill to take their firearms? That's an open question.
I'm tellin' ya

as many as it takes

why is it so hard for you to grasp that?
can't you visualize such a thing?
If someone gets in a fire fight with the cops
whose gonna side with him?

as it stands there are a myriad of laws that if broken
will in the end leave you with only one choice
stand fight and die or go quietly and get plooked in prison

this has been a long time coming Americans are all being conditioned
those that resist must DIE!

After Osamacare passed I'm sure everything else they've planned
on the long march will come to pass

monkey don't recognize itself in the mirror. seeks instructions from jebus, who wrote the 2nd amendment.
more like rich white guys who spouted virtue but preferred the tender touch of slave girls and french tarts.
Slave girls & french tarts were the flavor of the day, since, well, forver