What's up with Canada?

Gonz said:
Unfortunately, if we waited for good things it'd be awfully silent. From what I see, nobody in Canada gives any more (or less) of a crap for anybody in America & vice versa. We share a humongous border & a general lifestyle. It's not until shit happens that we even notice the other is not us.

K, you might wanna sit down Gonz (case you fall over from shock ;)), because I am going to say that I totally agree with you on that one dude. :D
Which is why we're setting world standards. We can piss & moan & still be friends. Tell your kids that & all will be well. ;)
and while you're annoyed by that, you're bashing on canada, and of course on france on every possible occasion...

the irony. eh?
Ahhh, look, it's one of those small countries citizens of which we speak. How cute :rolleyes:
France has fought hard to earn it's disrespect this last century.

As for the canuki, the gov't promoting the hate of America is horrible and needs to stop. (its a policy I that I oppose). The promotion of hate serves a few politically, that is all.

Hate is the most misunderstood emotion of them all, it's usually indicative of another problem.
Gonz said:
Our giving is not for recognition. I point it out since I've grown sick & tired of America bashing. It may be a world sport but it's one I choose not to participate. When I see it I will correct it.

Actually...I prefer to American-politics bash..it's more fun and frankly...I have more Americans on my side that way.

I jsut seem to be alone in thinking that just because you're bashing the president/those in power/etc and the decisions that they make, doesn't mean that you don't like the people who are ruled over by that self-same GVT.

Even presidents are falible...get lied to, lie to others, have their own agendas and make mistakes. The moment that a Canadian points such a mistake out, it's automatically America bashing. The same goes for Americans who go against GVT policy..they're automatically labelled as terrorists, anarchists, or just plain evil.

It's the whole "If you're not with us, you're against us" thing. It's a huge pair of coloured glasses...everyone in viewing range is tinted by it...usually some shade of Pink(o) :D
ResearchMonkey said:
France has fought hard to earn it's disrespect this last century.

As for the canuki, the gov't promoting the hate of America is horrible and needs to stop. (its a policy I that I oppose). The promotion of hate serves a few politically, that is all.

Hate is the most misunderstood emotion of them all, it's usually indicative of another problem.

See...I don't see that. How is the Canadian GVT sanctioning or leading hatred against the USA?
MrB, did you read the story this thread is based, or are you just 'winging-it' as you go?

But former Canadian diplomat Martin Collacot says the teens are responding to cues from their government, the media and their teachers


In one incident, hockey fans in Montreal booed during the playing of the American national anthem. Then-Prime Minister Jean Chretien’s spokesman was caught on mike calling President Bush a moron. And while the streets of Quebec were filled with war protesters, a member of Parliament from the ruling Liberal Party was quoted as saying: “Damn Americans. I hate those bastards.”
Didn't someone also say something just before a nat'l vote to gain liberal votes by bashing the US? (past ~2-3 years?)

Huh, maybe I am just reading this all wrong!
ResearchMonkey said:
MrB, did you read the story this thread is based, or are you just 'winging-it' as you go?

But former Canadian diplomat Martin Collacot says the teens are responding to cues from their government, the media and their teachers


In one incident, hockey fans in Montreal booed during the playing of the American national anthem. Then-Prime Minister Jean Chretien’s spokesman was caught on mike calling President Bush a moron. And while the streets of Quebec were filled with war protesters, a member of Parliament from the ruling Liberal Party was quoted as saying: “Damn Americans. I hate those bastards.”

Didn't someone also say something just before a nat'l vote to gain liberal votes by bashing the US? (past ~2-3 years?)

Huh, maybe I am just reading this all wrong!

Teens take clues from all sorts of places. Martin Collacot lais the blame with a pretty wide brush...I think that he's fishing.

I remember the booing incident. It was despicable...but hardly GVT led.

Sorry...I guess that he should've remembered to turn the mike off. It was an error..hardly conscious.

The last one...I didn't know about. Pretty stupid of him, eh?

Hardly preaching from the pulpit though. The GVT is made up of people. People have their opinions...it's when they allow their opinions to affect their job that the problems start. If the trade minister suddenly put a kibosh on iron ore and stated that it was because he felt that the USA would put it to evil uses by bombing innocent Iraquis...now THAT'd be something.

It's a matter of perspective. We know that you help us out, you know that we've helped you out too. There's a reason why our border is the largest unprotected border on the face of the earth. Its like a marriage...and like marriages...there are ups and downs, and some degree of compromise.
Dude...are you that determined to prove that Canada doesn't like the USA?

If it makes you feel better...I'll say it. "America sucks!! - please don't hurt me!"

You're a huge money powerhouse, your country has enough nukes to destroy all life on the planet 1000 times over, you've got the weapons, the will to use them and the self-righteousness to back it up.

Thank you for pointing the big guns at the bad guys, and occasionally pulling the trigger. Now..if you wouldn't mind pointing that thing the other way, I'll feel that much better.
Duuuude, No am not trying to prove anything, I am disgusted that there is a powerful faction inside your Gov’t that is promoting the hatred of America.

Reading Gatos link; there are some references to this, you make excuses for them and take a passive, complacent positions. You’re being a codependent.

Leaders are suppose to lead; what they do and say are acts of their leadership. If a leader is spouting hate, he is leading the charge of hate. If a public school teaches the US is baaaad, it will take hold in the young minds. For the next 30 years do you want to have bad relations with the US and Canada, I don’t

As far as nukes and military might goes: Someone has to be the biggest, who would you rather see as the world power capable of ending it all? Maybe Lebanon, Pakistan, or some rogue state.

Work harder, become the super power, then we can hate you for the sake of it.

(don't you feel better now that you said it?) :D

(too late the sun beams are on their way to your house already, yooz gonna hurt)
The reason some teens see america is evil? It is powerful...and power corrupts.

Yes you where a major factor in WW2, go USA!

But now you are steamrolling the UN, a organization you are a member of.

You have a self righteous administration, that acts on behalf of the world supposidly, when the rest of the world disagrees with that action.

You use your economic clout to beat down small countries that disagree with you, and replace their leadership

You try to make your laws leave your borders, saying you can sue companies that deal with Cuba.

Your administrations (not just the current one) have the arrogence to say they know what is good for the rest of the world. Well sometimes the rest of the world wants to make it's own decisions.

Teens seeing america as evil? I can see where they are coming from, you try living north of a neibour that tries to remake the world in the way it want to see it, that squeezes trade consiliations by flexing it's muscles, that ignores the rest of the world when what the world says is not what the US wants to here.

You want respect, well, learn to give respect, and you shall have respect.

you want to lead, lead by example, not by force.

Am I anti american, no, I know a lot of americans, and I like em.
So many things to run with I'll choose

Paul said:
when the rest of the world disagrees with that action.

United Kingdom - attended the Azores summit with the US and Spain, will provide military support including about 45,000 troops.
Spain - attended the Azores summit with the US and the UK and is not sending troops into the conflict, but will deploy military personnel and equipment in a support capacity and offer warplanes to defend Turkey from an attack from neighbouring Iraq.
Australia - military support including about 2,000 troops and and 150 special forces.
Kuwait - Around 300,000 U.S. and British troops are in the Kuwaiti desert in preparation for an invasion, and it is a members of the GCC.
Poland - military support including 200 troops and a logistics ship.
Albania - military support of about 70 troops for non-combat roles.
Romania - providing basing rights and has contributed 278 experts in landmine removal and chemical and biological decontamination. It has opened its airspace to ally planes, and will contributed post-conflict and non-combatant military troops for humanitarian missions.
Czech Republic - sending a chemical-biological warfare support unit.
Portugal - granted U.S. permission to use Lajes Field air base in the Azores Islands, a traditional eastern Atlantic refuelling stop.
Italy - not sending troops, but will provide the minimum base of logistical support, in particular, the use of bases and air space.
Turkey - is still negotiating the extent of its involvement in any war.
Japan - prepared only to provide post-conflict financial support for the reconstruction of Iraq due to Japan's post-war pacifist constitution bans the use of force in settling international disputes.
South Korea - may send non-combat troops likely to be a 500-strong engineering battalion and has pledged aid as well as help to war refugees.
Denmark - a warship and a submarine, a medical team, and AWACS crew-members. Also set aside funds for postwar reconstruction.
Netherlands - sent patriot anti-missile batteries to Turkey and about 300 soldiers to man them along border with Iraq. They have given full support to the US in moving its troops through Holland to the Middle East and will to take part in any peace-keeping operation in Iraq after the war was over.
Hungary - providing political support.
Estonia - extent of support is unclear, but may be seeking US financial or military support through Nato.
Latvia - extent of support is unclear, but may be seeking US financial or military support through Nato.
Lithuania - extent of support is unclear, but may be seeking US financial or military support through Nato.
Bulgaria - has offered 150 non-combat troops.
Slovakia - providing political support.
Macedonia - providing political support.
Azerbaijan - providing political support.
Afghanistan - promise of support due to involvement in the war on terrorism.
Georgia - offered political and moral support and use of its air bases/
Philippines - political and moral support.
Uzbekistan - promise of support due to involvement in the war on terrorism.
Colombia - prepared to offer political support due to US funding of the anti-drugs war.
El Salvador - has offered political support and will send Salvadoran military officials with any U.N. troops assigned to maintain peace in Iraq, due to US funding of the anti-drugs war.
Nicaragua - prepared to offer political support due to US funding of the anti-drugs war.
Dominican Republic - providing political support.
Costa Rica - providing political support.
Honduras - political and moral support.
Eritrea - political and moral support (may be seeking US support in a boundary dispute with rival neighbour Ethiopia).
Ethiopia - political and moral support (may be seeking US support in a boundary dispute with rival neighbour Eritrea).
Rwanda - providing political support.
Uganda - providing political support.
Iceland - does not have an independent military but will provide postwar humanitarian relief.
Singapore - will allow US military ships and aircraft to call at Singapore and to use military bases and air space.
Mongolia - providing political support.
Marshall Islands - providing political support as it does not have a military.
Micronesia - providing political support.
Solomon Islands - providing political support as it does not have an independent military.
Palau - providing political support.
Panama - providing political support.

unnamed probable CotW partners said:
Bahrain - has made facilities available to the US military, and is a member of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) which agreed to help provide for the defence of Kuwait in the event of a new war with Iraq.
Oman - has made facilities available to the US military, and is a members of the GCC.
Qatar - U.S. Central Command mobile headquarters at Camp As Sayliyah. Al-Udeid air base opened for in-flight refuelling squadron, F-15 fighter wing and maintenance hangars, and is a member of the GCC.
Saudi Arabia - has made facilities available to the US military, and is a members of the GCC.
United Arab Emirates - has made facilities available to the US military, and is a members of the GCC.
Jordan - U.S. troops are stationed in Jordan near the Iraqi border manning anti-missile batteries in case Iraq fires missiles at Israel.
Belgium - Allowed movement of troops and materiel from U.S. bases in Germany to port of Antwerp en route to the Persian Gulf; will allow overflights.
Croatia - Allowing refuelling stops by U.S. transport aircraft.
Egypt - Keeping Suez Canal open to U.S. and allied warships en route to gulf.
Greece - U.S. naval base in Crete serves U.S. 6th Fleet and supports Navy and Air Force intelligence-gathering planes. Allowing use of airspace under NATO and bilateral defence agreements, but will not send troops.
Germany - Ruled out any participation, but pledges unhindered use of airspace and access to U.S. and British bases in Germany.
Cyprus - degree of support unknown.
Israel - the main US ally in the Middle East.
ResearchMonkey said:
Duuuude, No am not trying to prove anything, I am disgusted that there is a powerful faction inside your Gov’t that is promoting the hatred of America.

What powerful faction? Seriously man, I'd like to know. Because without some serious hard evidence, this just comes off as paranoid conspiracy theory.

First of all, pissing off the US is just plain stupid, and political suicide as well. WTF would be the point of promoting the hatred of a huge, militarily powerful nation that could blow out asses out of the water before breakfast? And that lives right next door! What possible purpose could it serve? And seriously man, if you think that Canadians would ever fall under the spell of politicians spouting rhetoric, you don't know squat about Canadian politics or Canadians. :D

Answer that question, and give me some hard facts, not just a mis-spoken word and some vague inferences, and maybe I'll look at your allegations with something more than complete skepticism :D

Oh and BTW, using "powerful faction" and the canadian government in the same sentence creates a bit of an oxymoron ;)
Camelyn said:
And seriously man, if you think that Canadians would ever fall under the spell of politicians spouting rhetoric, you don't know squat about Canadian politics or Canadians. :D
:elaugh1: bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahaha!!! this is teh funnaiest!!

ResearchMonkey said:
Duuuude, No am not trying to prove anything, I am disgusted that there is a powerful faction inside your Gov’t that is promoting the hatred of America.
See...promoting is an 'active' term. If I saw that members of our GVT was taking an active role in spreading the word "America is Evil", then I'd agree with you. I don't see it though, and I peruse Canadian political news often. My news-bots keep busy. What I see is people making statements and being slapped down for it. Oops...suddenly, they're backbenchers.

ResearchMonkey said:
Reading Gatos link; there are some references to this, you make excuses for them and take a passive, complacent positions. You’re being a codependent.

Its easier to see it for what it is if you stand close enough. I get to talk with all sorts of people (young and old) and I'm not seeing what that survey is proposing. I'd love to see where it came from and it's sample-size. I'm not passive...just adopting a wait-and-see attitude.

ResearchMonkey said:
Leaders are suppose to lead; what they do and say are acts of their leadership. If a leader is spouting hate, he is leading the charge of hate. If a public school teaches the US is baaaad, it will take hold in the young minds. For the next 30 years do you want to have bad relations with the US and Canada, I don’t

I agree with you, but you can't control everything that a leader says or a teacher teaches. You can try and counteract it with opposing viewpoints and open up the minds with historical references etc... the same can be said from the teachings re: homosexuality, other religions, the Middle East, minority races, crime, drugs, etc...from the pulpit, the podium or the classroom. I don't think that we have bad relations now.

ResearchMonkey said:
As far as nukes and military might goes: Someone has to be the biggest, who would you rather see as the world power capable of ending it all? Maybe Lebanon, Pakistan, or some rogue state.

Yes...and as for being the last remaining superpower, you guys ain't all bad. I'd like to see a more benign application of all that power though. :shrug:

ResearchMonkey said:
Work harder, become the super power, then we can hate you for the sake of it.

We'll get there eventually. Canada, the next America. :D Either that..or eventually we become part of the USNA (United States of North America) along with the current Country of USA.

ResearchMonkey said:
(don't you feel better now that you said it?) :D
(too late the sun beams are on their way to your house already, yooz gonna hurt)
Actually, no. I don't think that the USA sucks. I think that you're a bit misguided sometimes...but well-meaning.

:rofl: Thanks...it was a bit cloudy today and we needed that :D
I give you; I don’t have the feel for effects of Canadian politicians on the constituencies they serve. I have seen some reporting about the poll that was taken and a reoccurring theme was that the Government of Canada(some in it anyway) has played the emotion against the US. Including the story at the top of this thread.

As for what purpose it serves to be Anti-American; Chancellor Schroeder came from behind to win his election by making a very hard bash on the US right before the election and to win. So there is a twisted value in it.

I honestly don’t track Canadian politics, I know the liberal are in control and have been for some time. There has been plenty of worry about losing that control in Canada (similarly to the liberals in the US).

What I believe is happening in the US; the liberals are losing much of the control that they have worked to gain for the past 30 years. Judicial control, educational control, and media control, over the last 30 years they have deeply embedded themselves into the systems of the US. (Have you ever read the communist manifesto?)

The Clintons years, the Gore fiasco, the internet, conservative radio, and more; these all have been opening the eyes of the people. We the people now have access to more information and are thinking on our own. We no longer are confined to the information we are told by the leftist fear mongers.

Conservatives for years refused to fight using the wild and undignified tactics of the liberals, the liberals usually won the battles. Now that their grip and control are slipping, they are going crazy. They no longer can control what the public perception is, we now have 10-fold the access to information we used to have. Being radical worked well for the liberals for 30 years, now it can be seen for what it is.

**Now I will repeat this because I guess it slipped past you in my earlier post. My mother was born and died a Canadian citizen. Last time I was in Calgary visiting family, my aunt who lives here but is a Canadian, told me that I too was a Canadian (A dually). So bashing Canadians is not what I’m doing, it’s the undertone that lies with-in the systems of Canada that bothers me.

[edited to add] Damned if I didn't get MacIntosh toffee every Xmas and birthday until about 8 years ago when my grandmothers sister finally kicked it. (the bomb toffee).