Which brings me to the all-important question...(for the lads)


Well-Known Member
If I was just looking for a fuck-buddy, I couldn't care less if sex happened on the first date or not. It'd happen eventually or I'd find someone else.

If I was looking for a relationship...the sex is a minimal part of any relationship. The conversation is more important...so sex early or sex later is irrelevant.

Mind you...it'd definatly put the thought of using the love-glove all the damn time. I don't think that I'm special enough that I'd be the only man on the face of the earth that would've had that special treatment from that particular woman.


New Member
Shit-stirring is not against the AUP. If it was, we'd all be banned.

Neither, lucky for you, is being oversensitive and seeing slights that aren't there.


Okay "Band of Brothers" I know when I'm beaten...

Man if I had someone to watch my ass like you guys... I'd never have to wipe it again!


Well-Known Member
Now, let's complicate the issue further, shall we?

You're getting along great. 5 dates, and this guy is fantastic. It's like you've known him all your life. Then you have sex, and it's awful. I mean, worse than you ever knew it could be. Now where do you go from there?


Southern Discomfort
I don't have a timetable on this. If a lady offers herself on the first date, and I am interested, groovy. If she does not, groovy. If we date for a month and no offers, I might begin to up my attempts, or I might not.

As to the respect issue, I never base respect solely on any one issue. I've gone to bed with ladies the first time I met them, and respect them every bit as much as some I never made it to the sack with at all. Respect is not earned on a single issue with me.

I dated a young lady for almost a year once with zero action. She made it plain to me...she would not under any circumstance until she was married. I accepted that, and thoroughly enjoyed the time we spent together. We broke up more from a long distance issue than any other - I was in college over two hundred miles away. To this day I do not regret the time we dated. Weird, huh? Guess I'll never be an international playboy...


Professur said:
Now, let's complicate the issue further, shall we?

You're getting along great. 5 dates, and this guy is fantastic. It's like you've known him all your life. Then you have sex, and it's awful. I mean, worse than you ever knew it could be. Now where do you go from there?


I'd give him my patent CB 6 month training course... if I can't help him "improve" or if he's not willing to try "owt new" we part ways...


Well-Known Member
tank girl said:
The sad thing is - You're so used to it you let him GET AWAY with it :shrug:

No, the sad thing is that some people forget that everyone's entitled to an opinion. Even if that opinion is that certain people waste the air they breathe.


Kissy Goddess
ClaireBear said:
Okay.... if its not a personal attack its a comment presented purely to cause offence and upset.. its shit stirring... and just as bad!

I think Gonz meant the generic "you".


Professur said:
No, the sad thing is that some people forget that everyone's entitled to an opinion. Even if that opinion is that certain people waste the air they breathe.

Then take it to PM!!!!

Ritual public humilation time this ain't!


Well-Known Member
ClaireBear said:

I'd give him my patent CB 6 month training course... if I can't help him "improve" or if he's not willing to try "owt new" we part ways...

6 Months? wow. You're willing to have bad sex for 6 months?

tank girl

New Member
Professur said:
Respect, interest, and getting nekkid don't have any common threads for me. I've banged girls I didn't respect. Hell, even ones I didn't like. Yes, even one's who's name I didn't wait around to find out. I've dated girls who didn't put out on the first, I've dated girls who only wanted to put out. I've been interested in both, and put off by both.

If I was just looking for a fuck-buddy, I couldn't care less if sex happened on the first date or not. It'd happen eventually or I'd find someone else.

If I was looking for a relationship...the sex is a minimal part of any relationship. The conversation is more important...so sex early or sex later is irrelevant.

Mind you...it'd definatly put the thought of using the love-glove all the damn time. I don't think that I'm special enough that I'd be the only man on the face of the earth that would've had that special treatment from that particular woman.

Oh. But you are special, Bish :D

So it really doesn't make much difference - it depends on what the relationship is aimed/based on, the connection etc - Thats the answer I was shooting for.

Its nice to know that.


Staff member
tank girl said:
The sad thing is - You're so used to it you let him GET AWAY with it :shrug:
Get away with...saying he doesn't respect skanks?

errrrrrrrrrr...I don't either.



Professur said:
6 Months? wow. You're willing to have bad sex for 6 months?

Yeah... if he was worth it... sex isn't every thing you know... its just one of lifes better bits!

In fact.. well... I'd better not incase he's still got spies reading here... PM me!


New Member
ClaireBear said:
Okay "Band of Brothers" I know when I'm beaten...

Man if I had someone to watch my ass like you guys... I'd never have to wipe it again!

Yeah, OK. Whatever makes you feel better.


Leslie said:
Get away with...saying he doesn't respect skanks?

errrrrrrrrrr...I don't either.


He should have used the identifyer "them" or "her" not "you"... therfore making it a truly generic statement... as is it was/ is its being taken with offence!


Staff member
Well perhaps we'll go back to the bajillion other threads he's made that statement in and make him edit them so that he can quote them to your high standards. Cause when he said that forever ago it was of course all about YOU. Jesus Christ Almighty.

tank girl

New Member
Leslie said:
Get away with...saying he doesn't respect skanks?

errrrrrrrrrr...I don't either.


no, actually generally but yeah, when you put it like that.

The very idea that you use that word is the perfect example of the sorts of prejudice you like to take - with or without Gonz by your side.

Just because a Girl sleeps with somebody like that doesn't make her a skank any more that it does a Guy.

That is a completely archaic way of thinking about sex - and if you want to think like that, go back to the chauvinistic 50's where you belong. Both Men and Women can be chauvinist, you know. And saying that sort of thing is a completely idiotic double standard.


Staff member
Right, cause when I say skank meaning men and women both, that makes me chauvinistic. Oh, and prejudiced too. Cool. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

Or maybe, it's your assuming that is the problem?