Wisdom Teeth...


New Member
Mine started coming in a few years ago and probably took over a year easily for them to finally stop coming up. They made the gums quite sore for that year, but now they are fine, I think. I haven't been to the dentist in a lonnnnnng time for anything except for chipped and broken teeth. Mine all feel pretty straight when I touch them with my tongue, and did not affect my other teeth... bu I really should make an appointment since it's been much longer than I am willing to admit that I have been in for a cleaning.....

You guys don't have mandatory appointments once a year?


New Member
winky, i'm not sure, but i think when you start talking overbites and underbites and stuff, it's no longer a matter of just growing into things.


New Member
she might not be able to growd into an overbite. they can be pretty serious. they can affect how you talk, eat, swallow... i still remember practicing swallowing correctly with the help of lifesavers ("the only time we encourage you to eat candy", i remember my dentist saying).. because my overbite was so bad i couldn't swallow right. i was also constantly biting my tongue... like, chewing on it. not good.

also, i dont think my parents would have spent thousands of dollars on my orthodontia if they didn't have to. i would bet that tonks also would not shell out the $$$$ if not necessary, or at least far more beneficial that not.

the dentist can buy as many beemers as he wants. we're going to have beautiful, painless smiles.


New Member
July 28th is the big day. I was lucky to get a Saturday. I'm taking my prescriptions (PenVK and Percoset) to the pharmacy tonight so I have them on hand in two weeks. Anything could go wrong with our local pharmacy, so better safe than sorry.

I'll be getting anesthetized with an IV. Anyone have experience with this? I've never had surgery or an IV before. Does it hurt in your arm? How quickly do you fall asleep? Most importantly, do you remember any of it?


New Member
It doesn't hurt anymore than having a bunch of blood drawn. They usually ask you to count backwards from 100 and you are usually gone by 97 and will remember nothing.


Staff member
but the 'hangover' is way nasty

That's why I'm glad I only had the gas when I had my wisdom teeth out...the pain after the fact was bad enough on its own, the "hangover" would have made it so much worse.


New Member
I'll be getting anesthetized with an IV. Anyone have experience with this? I've never had surgery or an IV before. Does it hurt in your arm? How quickly do you fall asleep? Most importantly, do you remember any of it?

ive had it twice, and to be honest, the first time i was screaming. but i think part of that is because the veins in my arms are very deep, so i have to get needles in my hands, and sometimes that makes things suck.
but the second time, it went completely without a hitch at all.
and you get knocked out pretty quick. i'd be willing to guess you're out in less than a minute... maybe even less than half of a minute.
and you go under with your eyes open!
and i don't remember any of the actual procedure at all. i was out like a light.


Well-Known Member
I've done did every hard drug there ever was and I never
felt as bad as when I awoke from general anesthesia.

Course I never OD'ed on any of the stuff I did

that's it, it is prolly like OD'ing on smack?

One thing I vividly recall is needing to barf after awakening
every time and that might suck after oral surgery?

Sorry Flu I couldn't hep me self heh heh
(oh I'm a bad person)

I’m a firm believer if general can be avoided, do.


Staff member
One thing I vividly recall is needing to barf after awakening
every time and that might suck after oral surgery?

I've only ever had general anesthetic once, I was very young and luckily I didn't barf afterwards. From what I hear though the barfing isn't an uncommon side effect for many people. I agree with you that I wouldn't wanna be finding out if I was one of the "barfers" right after an oral surgery.

Aunty Em

Well-Known Member
I've had 3 general anesthetics and been bright and breezy after each one asking for a cup of tea and something to eat... first time they told me I had to wait... second and third times I stocked up my locker so I didn't die of starvation... LOL

I always expected to feel awful and never did... I guess because I rarely drink or smoke my liver just processes all those toxins more quickly flushing them out of my system faster than most.


New Member
I've had one general anesthetic. I looked at the ceiling, closed my eyes, opened them again, and realised it was moving - er, I was moving. Then this handsome nurse attracted my attention for a second before I fell asleep again. :)

And yes, then there was barfing. I was sure my stomach was gonna rip open and my guts spill to the floor. Blargh.