X-Men III - The Last Stand


Well-Known Member
Anyone planning on going to see it?
I've seen little bits of it via teasers. Looks like there are Sentinals to deal with, and Phoenix, Juggernought(sp?), etc... a new group of baddies.

Beast is in this one, Angel, Kittie Pryde, Colossus play larger roles.

The timeline's fucked but the movie looks good t'me. :nerd:


New Member
I have some issues with it... but found the movies to be very enjoyable nonetheless. I can't look at Magneto without thinking of Gandalf though.


New Member
Saw it yesterday. Quick sum up:

Too short, lacking some characters I wanted to see, not giving others enough screen time, messed up the story compared to the comic (but hey, alternate universes rule), excellent film. I enjoyed it a lot.


if i see it, it'll be for the chicks. same reason i watch "charmed" from time to time.

is the blue chick in this one much?


New Member
Oh, and "Frasier" makes a mighty fine McCoy in my opinion. "To quote Churchill, there comes a time when a man must.." *punches* "Oh you know what I mean!"


molṑn labé
Staff member
Since Dr McCoy was a brainiac...Frasier fits quite well.

Since they're thru with her, can I have Halle Berry? Please.


Well-Known Member
Professur said:
They're borrowing from several Xmen comic series. The return of Jean Grey as Phoenix (minus the Hellfire club), plus the beginnings of the Sentinel battles.

There are a few (many) timeline changes... including Juggernaught as part of the Brotherhood of evil mutants??!?



I feel better now.

Oh BTW...they actually use the (Edit) *Fastball Special* in the flick. Colossus pitching Wolverine at a Sentinel :D


New Member
They did the fastball special a coupla times. :D

The movie was ... okay. I loved that Kitty Pryde got a big role in this, but it just wasn't as 'special' as the first 2 movies. :mope:


Well-Known Member
Um, they couldn't go with Storm's mohawk. She only did that after defeating Calisto for the leadership of the Morlocks.


Well-Known Member
Professur said:
Um, they couldn't go with Storm's mohawk. She only did that after defeating Calisto for the leadership of the Morlocks.
As if that'd stop them from messing up the timeline a wee bit more.

Get this... Angel and Beast join the XMen after Colossus, Nightcrawler, Rogue, Wolverine and Kitty Pryde AND after Jean becomes Phoenix. :grinno: but just after Iceman joins.

The timeline's fucked :thumbdn: ...but visually, they do a damn good job at recreating the characters and their powers. :beardbng: (minus the brightly coloured spandex suits).:rolleyes:


New Member
Didn't you pay attention Bish? Beast was with them before, hence the "Can you believe this used to fit"-coment on the uniform. ;)