"You learn something new every day"


New Member
That's what they say, but do you really? What did you learn today?

I learned that the Half and Half that I put in my coffee daily has 3 grams of fat per serving. And the serving size? Only 2 little tablespoons. I put waaaaay more than 2 tablespoons in.

Yup, this diet is going to be tough. :(
Uki Chick said:
I learned that sometimes it's better to just keep your mouth shut.
I don't think I've figured that one out yet.

I learned today that I am evidently expected to do my job and someone else's for no more money. I may be looking for work tomorrow, but I definitely won't be doing a job I'm completely unqualified for and have no interest in learning.
I learned that no matter how much work you do in a day, it will never be enough to please your boss...
Uki Chick said:
just some bullshit at work. keep my mouth shut and don't get involved
But where is the fun in that. :devious:

Nothing brightens up a dull work day like fighting coworkers .

Me:really thats not what I heard :confused:
I thought it was just ignore, he's been rebuffing me when I call him lately, but I've been shaking the food box right beside him and getting nothing. *sigh*

Oh, and he's 16, so I guess deaf at this point is the least of my worries.
Leslie said:
I thought it was just ignore, he's been rebuffing me when I call him lately, but I've been shaking the food box right beside him and getting nothing. *sigh*

Any reason it should have "gone" deaf? I know certain colours are predisposed for deafness,but they don't suddenly go deaf . :alienhuh:
It's been over time - a slow degrade I'm sure, I just wasn't positive about it till now.
Gato_Solo said:
I learned that no matter how much work you do in a day, it will never be enough to please your boss...

You just learnt that?, geez, you're a slow one :p
I learn mega-stuff every day, just about.
I don't feel like typing it all out here, as I'm lazy in some respects.
I will say I've learn a lot of linux stuff lately, some more about php programming,
and conflicts between different cd/dvd burning programs, and on different OSes.

Geeky enough for ya? :nerd:

As of late, in general life. You don't really want to know what I've
found out in poltics, and policy in this area. :mad:
I've learned that you really should drain sprinkler systems well before the first real freeze. Unless you like geysers.
I saw, just a minute ago, that the freeze warning on accuweather,
is dipping all the way down to Mobile AL tonight. :eek: