Harry Pothead & the something or other *spoilers*

Re: Harry Pothead & the something or other

So, what did you learn from this thread? That they are growing up? Everything else is silliness or so shrouded there's nothing leaked.

Book 6 is NOT the one that just came out today...that's book 7. Book 6 came out a couple of years ago, it's the one where Dumbledore dies :p
At least someone pays attention. :p
I have to go into the office this afternoon, I am not hoping the book isn't here before I leave or else I'm just gonna want to read it instead of work...
Re: Harry Pothead & the something or other


At least someone pays attention. :p

If you notice, that was put in AFTER I asked my question :p

the original quote from Rob was not a spoiler....it was a passing remark that didn't let on that IS/IS NOT what happened.
Re: Harry Pothead & the something or other

If you notice, that was put in AFTER I asked my question :p
Yes. Which means she paid attention. You did not. Hah!

the original quote from Rob was not a spoiler....it was a passing remark that didn't let on that IS/IS NOT what happened.
Er.. So? The following comments still reveal that we're talking "IS" rather than "IS NOT". Still not paying attention? Maybe a cup of coffee is on order. Here ya go:

(And for the record, I'm not upset about the spoiler. Don't feel guilty. Yes, you know who you are. Not gonna put a curse on you. Well, nothing too painfull. :eek3: )
The book was waiting for me when I left to come into work (which is where I am now). Actually, it may have been there before, it was tucked away in a corner on the front porch...it's in my car and I'm having a terribly hard time focusing on what I need to get done...I wanna read it!

Tonks, did yours have a fun warning on the box? Something like "Attention Muggles! Do not deliver or open this box before July 21, 2007!"??
I didn't notice but went to check after reading your post and indeed it did! I did notice it said Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows on the side and I was miffed about that. What if some damn kid came across my doorstop and stole it? Hmmph!
I didn't notice but went to check after reading your post and indeed it did! I did notice it said Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows on the side and I was miffed about that. What if some damn kid came across my doorstop and stole it? Hmmph!

Yeah, I was thinking that it was just begging to be stolen. Mine was tucked away well enough that I'm thinking I may have actually walked by it earlier in the morning...so, personally that wasn't an issue but in general that labeling doesn't seem like a good idea.
I went into a bookstore when I was out just now and they literally had a big box, on a skid, sitting in the middle of the floor full of books...such nice presentation!! They didn't even have any on the shelves with the other Harry Potter books.

Chic: You should preordered from Amazon, I paid $28 CDN (incl shipping) and the cover price is over $40 I believe
Oh, Tonks, I've been thinking how much self control you and Unc have to share a copy...I don't think I could do it, I think there'd have to be two copies (if I had a SO who also wanted to read it)...I just opened it to "have a look" after I parked my car in the driveway and I read the whole first chapter before I got out of the car!!

I am not letting myself read anymore until my whole aprtment is clean though (we'll see how that goes :blank:)
It's all good. We both read for spurts and then stop to do stuff like work, play a computer game or some other mundania so it works.
Chic: You should preordered from Amazon, I paid $28 CDN (incl shipping) and the cover price is over $40 I believe

Sam's is, unless there's a different one, Sam's Club... Wal-Mart's answer to Costco. I'm guessing he got as good of a price as you did, if not better.
Sam's is, unless there's a different one, Sam's Club... Wal-Mart's answer to Costco. I'm guessing he got as good of a price as you did, if not better.

I know what Sam's Club is, the Costco here you only get like 15% or something off the cover price :shrug:
So...I paid $21 something after tax and shipping. Well worth it to not have to deal with humanity in order to get it.
So...I paid $21 something after tax and shipping. Well worth it to not have to deal with humanity in order to get it.

Wow, either your taxes are lower than ours or Amazon.com is a better deal than Amazon.ca (since our dollars are pretty darn close to each other right now).
I wanna say that the book itself was $17.98 before shipping and as its an internet sale there is no sales tax.