SPRING whooo

Know what really freaked me about it? I got a barn...well, more like a dirt floor garage, but humor a redneck. I KNOW they's legless reptiles in that place.

I keep m'boat there.

I can't swim.

I get that boat out on the water one day and a snake comes crawlin' out from where we store the extra life jackets etc and I'm a dead man. It'll be a race between drowning when I jump off or heart attack when the bastard gets too close to me.

Note to self: Put mothballs all OVER that boat. Tommorrow. Morning. Early.
Note to self: Put mothballs all OVER that boat. Tommorrow. Morning. Early.

I just threw a bunch of mothballs out and around, last night.
they work not only for the reptiles, but other critters too.
Don't need none of them brown recluse spiders crawlin' in.
Know what really freaked me about it? I got a barn...well, more like a dirt floor garage, but humor a redneck. I KNOW they's legless reptiles in that place.

I keep m'boat there.

I can't swim.

I get that boat out on the water one day and a snake comes crawlin' out from where we store the extra life jackets etc and I'm a dead man. It'll be a race between drowning when I jump off or heart attack when the bastard gets too close to me.

Note to self: Put mothballs all OVER that boat. Tommorrow. Morning. Early.
I always tell people that I'm not sure at this point that it's necessary for a snake to be in any way poisonous for it to kill me. ;)
I always tell people that I'm not sure at this point that it's necessary for a snake to be in any way poisonous for it to kill me. ;)

that's why I try not to get excited until I can identify what kind it is, and it
don't take ne long.
I'm 'on the move' anyway, either way.
There's an ad for snake repellents and traps now, I think SnP needs to keep an eye out for that.