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  1. S

    type backwards

    Oy, why is the symbol showing i my post, but not Tonksy's?
  2. S

    type backwards

    Haha, you failed! *points and laughs*
  3. S

    type backwards

    ‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮҉Que? Oooh. Nifty. How's it workin', me needs ta know.
  4. S

    So I found YT.
  5. S


    Until a while after it exited the body. Germ-food.
  6. S

    dang . . .

    I'd be happy to offer Gonz a "fuck you", but first I'd want to see some pics of him where he's scantily clad. Come prepared and all that.
  7. S

    New fun forum game!

  8. S

    New fun forum game!

  9. S

    New fun forum game!

    Anafylactic reaction.
  10. S


    True, I've seen it elsewhere too. But the teen-forums are over represented. I reckon mah Critter would love a forum that was more like this one. He actually joked about joining once (he's a over-shoulder-peeker), but I told him that if I ever caught his sorry ass in here, I'd.. I'd... Well...
  11. S


    Exactly what I said. :grinyes: Bop: I visited once in the past, but it just wasn't my kinda place.. :nerd:
  12. S


    Funny though, I was discussing the concept of message boards with the Critter the other day. He's member of a forum run by people in the 16-22 age group, and he was upset about the strickt rules and heavy moderation the board had. Stuff like strick rules of how a topic title "should be", all...
  13. S

    A bunch of stuff.

    Hm, I kinda like Rammstein AND Evangelion, but when it was edited to make it look like Asuka singing, I had to back away..
  14. S


    Unless they have been used by stupid women who's asses are just to fine to touch the seat, and the hover over it, peeing all over.
  15. S


    There's plenty of boys wearing make up 'round these parts too. The Critter did come home from school wearing mascara one day, he borrowed a friend's. I told him never to do that again. :grumpy: Using other peple's stuff can lead to eye infections. But if he buys his own... :shrug:
  16. S

    dang . . .

    Thanks for the link, monkeyman. :) (The yt-link I might specify..)
  17. S

    So I found YT.

    I love youtube too. And I love .... No wait, that one's x-rated... :P
  18. S

    dang . . .

  19. S

    dang . . .

    Ooh, wanna see that! :p
  20. S


    Make up would be fine by me too, by the way.