
Yeah... wimminz look just fine to me without makeup. Plus, it's a practical thing... few things are as annoying as letting a female wearing a bunch of foundation borrow my cell phone, then getting the phone back with the makeup caked onto the screen.

I thought using that much polyfilla went out with the ark... :lol: ... anti-bacterial wipes, useful invention... I never loan my phone and I'd die before I let someone else use my make-up! :eek:

Polyfilla is a brand of wall filler here in the UK.
Well, he did it. And I really like it! He looked like Cousin It before, Now he has style!
Not so much stress as... OMG what fuck was I thinking?!

I just returned from a 2 day sailing trip around Auckland harbour (we did it as a team building exercise). 12 of us were divided up between 2 boats, and I was the only female on mine. NOTE TO SELF: don't try to keep up with the navy boys when boozing. I woke up this morning with no pants on, puke all over my belly, and no memory of what happened at all from the time I helped make dinner, 'til I woke up without my pants on. Apparently I make a good chilli (nachos) when drunk but fucked only knows what it tasted like cos I don't even remember eating dinner, let alone remember what exactly I put in the chilli.

Anyway, it turns out that I apparently, leaped over to the other boat, drunk their booze, smoked someones cigarettes (I don't even smoke!), went to the bog, and apparently passed out. Bill (navy dude) came barging in on me some time later in the loo (not realising I was in there), thought I was dead cos of the open-eyed glassy stare, and had to check my pulse to make sure I wasn't. Luckily, I was on the boat (cos of the mid-oceanic drunken leap remember) with the other 2 females, so Bill went to get them to help me put my pants back on and get 'decent'. Sometime between the time he was gone, and the time the 2 women came back, I had managed to puke all over the bathroom door, the wall, the ceiling, and the floor. As well as all over my jeans, tee, and undies. Yum. Anyways, they managed to get my scungy clothes off my near comatose body, and heaped me off to bed in my spare tee.

Cut to the next day: sans pants, no memories of the night before, and the disturbing notion that I was the (perceived) only female on my boat.

The lack of pants to wear meant that I had to spend all day in my pajama pant bottoms (pink pather no less), and when we arrived back at the navy base, I was getting all kinds of funny looks cos of them, and the barefooted-ness (I puked on my shoes as well). And then, to add to the indignity of it all, I had to walk home through the biggest city in new zealand in the pajamas. :retard3:
Re: Not so much stress as... OMG what fuck was I thinking?!

I just returned from a 2 day sailing trip around Auckland harbour (we did it as a team building exercise). 12 of us were divided up between 2 boats, and I was the only female on mine. NOTE TO SELF: don't try to keep up with the navy boys when boozing. I woke up this morning with no pants on, puke all over my belly, and no memory of what happened at all from the time I helped make dinner, 'til I woke up without my pants on. Apparently I make a good chilli (nachos) when drunk but fucked only knows what it tasted like cos I don't even remember eating dinner, let alone remember what exactly I put in the chilli.

Anyway, it turns out that I apparently, leaped over to the other boat, drunk their booze, smoked someones cigarettes (I don't even smoke!), went to the bog, and apparently passed out. Bill (navy dude) came barging in on me some time later in the loo (not realising I was in there), thought I was dead cos of the open-eyed glassy stare, and had to check my pulse to make sure I wasn't. Luckily, I was on the boat (cos of the mid-oceanic drunken leap remember) with the other 2 females, so Bill went to get them to help me put my pants back on and get 'decent'. Sometime between the time he was gone, and the time the 2 women came back, I had managed to puke all over the bathroom door, the wall, the ceiling, and the floor. As well as all over my jeans, tee, and undies. Yum. Anyways, they managed to get my scungy clothes off my near comatose body, and heaped me off to bed in my spare tee.

Cut to the next day: sans pants, no memories of the night before, and the disturbing notion that I was the (perceived) only female on my boat.

The lack of pants to wear meant that I had to spend all day in my pajama pant bottoms (pink pather no less), and when we arrived back at the navy base, I was getting all kinds of funny looks cos of them, and the barefooted-ness (I puked on my shoes as well). And then, to add to the indignity of it all, I had to walk home through the biggest city in new zealand in the pajamas. :retard3:

That's a top ten drunken story, I don't care how much you drink. ;) I'm just proud to know you. :D
Re: Not so much stress as... OMG what fuck was I thinking?!

to help me put my pants back on

Cut to the next day: sans pants,

I had to walk home through the biggest city in new zealand in the pajamas.

Like we're supposed to believe you were caught pants-less. Why dincha just whip out some of them spares yer always filchin' off the unsuspecting populace? *handonhip

That is a good story BOP...would be funnier if you woke up with your pants on your the fashion of a beard...though :D
Re: Not so much stress as... OMG what fuck was I thinking?!

If that's winning, then next time I don't wanna hafta clean up the pukey mess,, okay?

Like we're supposed to believe you were caught pants-less. Why dincha just whip out some of them spares yer always filchin' off the unsuspecting populace? *handonhip


Now, why would I take my pants collection out from its secure location when there're navy boys around, huh? *handonhip
Re: Not so much stress as... OMG what fuck was I thinking?!

I just returned from a 2 day sailing trip around Auckland harbour (we did it as a team building exercise). 12 of us were divided up between 2 boats, and I was the only female on mine. NOTE TO SELF: don't try to keep up with the navy boys when boozing. I woke up this morning with no pants on, puke all over my belly, and no memory of what happened at all from the time I helped make dinner, 'til I woke up without my pants on. Apparently I make a good chilli (nachos) when drunk but fucked only knows what it tasted like cos I don't even remember eating dinner, let alone remember what exactly I put in the chilli.

Anyway, it turns out that I apparently, leaped over to the other boat, drunk their booze, smoked someones cigarettes (I don't even smoke!), went to the bog, and apparently passed out. Bill (navy dude) came barging in on me some time later in the loo (not realising I was in there), thought I was dead cos of the open-eyed glassy stare, and had to check my pulse to make sure I wasn't. Luckily, I was on the boat (cos of the mid-oceanic drunken leap remember) with the other 2 females, so Bill went to get them to help me put my pants back on and get 'decent'. Sometime between the time he was gone, and the time the 2 women came back, I had managed to puke all over the bathroom door, the wall, the ceiling, and the floor. As well as all over my jeans, tee, and undies. Yum. Anyways, they managed to get my scungy clothes off my near comatose body, and heaped me off to bed in my spare tee.

Cut to the next day: sans pants, no memories of the night before, and the disturbing notion that I was the (perceived) only female on my boat.

The lack of pants to wear meant that I had to spend all day in my pajama pant bottoms (pink pather no less), and when we arrived back at the navy base, I was getting all kinds of funny looks cos of them, and the barefooted-ness (I puked on my shoes as well). And then, to add to the indignity of it all, I had to walk home through the biggest city in new zealand in the pajamas. :retard3:

Sounds a little like one of my youthful escapades sans the boat... nice to know the younguns are followng us oldies good example...:D