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  1. highwayman


    Pa will buy him a $40 grand Harley for his 16th B-day. If it was me the tickets for the military school would be in the leathers....
  2. highwayman

    Lead by example?

    I think they were catching heat from the tree huggers several years ago over the fact the government owned planes and pumping all that polution into the air....So thay were sold....
  3. highwayman

    China tests anti-satellite missile

    Ask the Klingons or Romulons what they think....:grinyes:
  4. highwayman

    Busted Wonder how long the kid was in traction after the dad got done with him....
  5. highwayman

    Twenty-six things a perfect guy would do

    This is the only item on the list that made any sence, if it was any type of man at all this would have said hornets nest instead of oven...
  6. highwayman

    Lead by example?

    Not to mention all that methane they put out adding to global warming.... If it is good enough for the commoners that pay the bills then it is good enough for him... I say asseign him a seat between two beer guzzling truck drivers that have not had a bath for six months...
  7. highwayman

    Blind Spaniard caught speeding cleared of fraud

    Yea, no shit... Or who might be behind you...
  8. highwayman

    Lead by example?

    OK, no sweat... I'll take that 747, a fleet of those pickem up trucks, that mega 300 foot yaught over thare and an aircraft carrier to land and store the 747....
  9. highwayman

    Blind Spaniard caught speeding cleared of fraud

    Possible? Yes... At 156 KPH? Hell no... To much shit can go wrong real fast at that speed...
  10. highwayman

    The truth ..... finally

    :elaugh4: :sex: :grinyes: :bolt:
  11. highwayman

    Chevy in Britain

    Somebody found that if they put together the old parts that were gathering dust in a warehouse they could make new cars and have more space to store more shit they cannot sell...
  12. highwayman

    Sometimes life just plain old sucks

    You will not be able to replace him... Take a while before you start looking for another little buddy....
  13. highwayman

    Iran gets army gear in Pentagon sale

    :shrug: Iran also has F-14 and other US hardware left over from when the Shaw had power...
  14. highwayman

    Democratic suicide?

    The only way to do away with an inferior monarchy is through a revolution, it's a fine line between a monarchy and a dictatorship....
  15. highwayman

    Winter Blast Brings Snow To West LA

    Oh look, global warming....
  16. highwayman

    Democratic suicide?

    Guess we are, fuck it then...No point going any further...:D
  17. highwayman

    Democratic suicide?

    How about this.... The democraps could not convince the American public to vote for somebody with no personality and as decisive as a dead frog....yup, pun intended...
  18. highwayman

    Sometimes life just plain old sucks

    Hey man, if he is not in any pain keep him comfortable, but we both know that day we regret will come...
  19. highwayman

    Democratic suicide?

    OK, convince 100% of the swing voters to vote for somebody that may not be any better then the compititon....
  20. highwayman

    Democratic suicide?

    Look at it this way... Obama is the token black... Billery is the token woman... Gore invented the internet.... Skerry has more money then cence.... Who will the American public be conditioned to vote for?