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  1. highwayman

    It was time

    Shit, I'm glad my 286 is still working....
  2. highwayman

    Honduras temporarily grabs oil terminals

    The problem is not drilling, Chabezz is doing a good enough job on hiz own for the region...It's moving and storing....
  3. highwayman

    SnP's hero....

    Wasn't John Edwards a senator from South Carolina?
  4. highwayman

    Kids say the darnedest things

    Cool, do you have a screensaver to go along with it?
  5. highwayman

    Honduras temporarily grabs oil terminals

    So how is the last part any diferent then what we are seeing? On another note wonder how Venezuela will make the pitch for "help"....
  6. highwayman

    Kids say the darnedest things

    At work?
  7. highwayman

    US woman dies of water intoxication

    Sorry man, had to ignore your posts from the lack of interest...
  8. highwayman

    US woman dies of water intoxication

    Sorry, poor choice of words on my part. What I had in mind when poisoning was brought up had been intentinal adding of another substance into the water such as strictnine or other forms of poison and not the water itself causing the harm or damage...
  9. highwayman

    Pope: Migrants Should Heed Host's Values

    Wise words that need to be heeded...,0,4494910.story?coll=sns-ap-nationworld-headlines
  10. highwayman

    Deficit Falls to Lowest Level

    This is good...Glad to see people are working...
  11. highwayman

    US woman dies of water intoxication

    Have heard of people behaving like they were drunk but it looks to me something happened, no way it could have been poisoning...
  12. highwayman

    US woman dies of water intoxication

    So have I but not to this extreame... Time is ticking ticktick.....
  13. highwayman

    US woman dies of water intoxication

    anybody ever hear of anything like this?
  14. highwayman

    Snow in Parts of Southern California

    You live in Southern Cal? How about the weather there? Bet LA had a bit of warming now....
  15. highwayman

    Giant buttraping

    By the looks of the news release she is getting better then half if you take in account the child support... At a net worth of 15 mill after the settlement he would be a fool to bitch...An income of 750,000 a year on simple interst of five percent off his share? If you cannot live off that...
  16. highwayman

    B U S H

    Never mind the semantics, use youe imagination....
  17. highwayman

    B U S H

    Not if there was no handle attached to it...
  18. highwayman

    Giant buttraping

    It's his own fault... Net worth of over 30 mill...Bet he never thought of updating the prenup or at least shoot holes in it...
  19. highwayman

    B U S H

    How many subsistance farms are there in this country verses for profit? In the 18th or even the 19th centeries how many supermarkets were their? :laugh: I still stand by my statement on that you are clueless over history...If you were given a shovel and plow what would you do beside...
  20. highwayman

    Celebrity faux-pas.

    :hmm: Hummmm..... Highwayman walks away with head shaking with a loss for words....