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  1. MuFu

    The most dangerous love!!!

    I fell for my best friend but she doesn't feel the same way. It's the most hopeless situation I've ever been in and has been fucking me up for the past two years. MuFu.
  2. MuFu

    The most dangerous love!!!

    I HATE THIS THREAD. :mad: Can probably guess which category I fall into... :rolleyes:
  3. MuFu


    I thought this thread was going to be about boarder chicks. Poo. :(
  4. MuFu

    Post your system specs for Third quarter 2003

    XP 1700+@1850Mhz Abit KG7-RAID 512MB PC2700 Radeon 9700 Pro M-Audio Revo 7.1 Samsung 172W (16:9) Nebula DigiTV Maxtor 120GB + WD 80GB Pioneer DVR-104 Plextor 16/10/40A Innovatek GPU + CPU W/C + fanbus Keyboard, mouse, blah blah who cares... MuFu.
  5. MuFu

    TITS @ UNI

    Oh yeah, this is the front view... Might ask why such a pretty girl would do that to herself but she has a brain the size of a chick pea. :eyemouth: MuFu.
  6. MuFu


    How did I know you might appreciate them? :D Best of all... talcum powder and crappy makeup are very cheap, although my friend pointed out to me that they were probably tested on animals. :-\
  7. MuFu


    Urgh, you ladies need help. Ghoul-fetishes aren't healthy. :sick:
  8. MuFu

    knock-knock... :D MuFu.
  9. MuFu


    Hehe, that's a good funny name. Czewmy Kokov.
  10. MuFu


    Tell her that before she chews my cock off.
  11. MuFu


    TRICK OR TREAT! Gimme some sweets, ho.
  12. MuFu

    TITS @ UNI

    Those be some hefty mamas. :) MuFu.
  13. MuFu

    Orgasmatron Puts Tech in Sex

    Wow, she sounds fun. :rolleyes: :D
  14. MuFu

    Need some British insults!!

    err... fuck off, you slag.
  15. MuFu


    :rofl4: I have at least a couple of slices of marmite on toast every day. It's the marmite/butter mix that gets me hard.
  16. MuFu

    Top ten thing I hate about Star Trek

    Great thread. :) There's an absolutely hilarious Eddie Izzard stand up routine along the same lines. I think you'd appreciate it, Bish! Might edit it out and host it for a bit...
  17. MuFu

    question for the uk ladies (and maybe guys) about bra-type cup sizes

    :eek: Nah man, it's ~36C I think. Maybe 32B if you count the kiddies but let's not go there... MuFu.
  18. MuFu

    videos for your viewing pleasure ***WARNING***

    I don't really have them , I was just making conversation.
  19. MuFu

    Does size really matter?

    Peeing still works fine.
  20. MuFu

    Does size really matter?

    Ta. :) I am half Chinese which means my penis is half the length of the average Chinese guy's. Not great, I tell ya...