

New Member
I thought Jersey had bad drivers-All the snowbirds are flocking here in FL-No turn signals-pulls out in front of you , and to make things even worse every where you look someone has a Damn camera hanging from their neck.GO HOME to where they belong Dammit-trying to learn these roads are hard enough , but with all the out of state ppl coming O M G....
Get used to it, it's like that all year round. For the time that I lived in Florida, I saw the worst driving I've ever seen in my life. And when you live in NY, that's hard to beat. :D
Hey Mare...I thought that I'd told ya that you'd have to practice your french :)

It'll come in handy when you need to stick your head out of your car window and scream at the driver next to you.

Repeat after me :

"mohn ass-tee de tahbar knack de cah liss" -Mon hostie de tabarnacle de calise *My host of the tabernacle, of the chalice - You cocksucking piece of shit

"vah dohn shi-eh! 'S' peyce de mahn-jeur de mahrde" - Vas d'ont chier, mon espèce de mangeur de marde. - Go shit, you eater of shit. - Eat shit, mo-fo!

" 'j' zeus t'uh bay-neet, mohn fr aire" - Jésus te bénit, mon frère - Jesus bless you, brother - Amen :)

aren't you pretty much the same Mare? you've just moved there yourself...some of those people have been going back and forth there for over twenty's their home too.
MuFu said:
I thought this thread was going to be about boarder chicks. Poo. :(

I used to rent boards out and sold them, and have been on them a couple times...does that count? I could fake it if you like :lloyd:
Leslie said:

aren't you pretty much the same Mare? you've just moved there yourself...some of those people have been going back and forth there for over twenty's their home too.

Nope Les, I'm an official FL person-staying and loving it!-Yes, a newbie in FL - But not a snowbird hon....... Just happens that I moved here in the off season, when all the out of state ppl flock here to stay warm. I myself never minded the cold or the fall-beautiful colors and snow-BUT in the sucky situation I had back in Jersey, really had no choice-FL grows on ya though. But thnx for the info on the ppl coming here for twenty years :lloyd: LOL
Professur said:
Note: They did. You moved.:D
LMAO-Right...Believe me-there are ppl here that dont use signals make illegal turns in the middle of a highway, do 25 in a 55, etc, drives me nuts :lol2: