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  1. Arris

    The history of this forum...

    I remember Necessary Evil and I see a few familiar names in this thread. Just gotten out of a bad relationship with World Of Warcraft so finding time to read on the internet again :)
  2. Arris

    Age difference

    Thanks for all the advice guys. Think I'll just wait and see how it goes. If it keeps going well I'll then consider discussing the future :D
  3. Arris

    Word of the day...

    bawbag - ballbag, testicles. Used in place of eejit/idiot etc.
  4. Arris


    I assumed we were talking about things other than sex. I'm always thinking about sex so I didn't consider posting it :D
  5. Arris


    1 hours 25 minutes till the end of my working day is what I'm thinking.
  6. Arris

    Lets play word association

  7. Arris

    Age difference

    Very true... well said Inky. But its still physically 10 years. I know it shouldn't bother me but if it continues to then I might just have to stop seeing her.
  8. Arris

    Rest in peace Katie (Aunty Em's daughter)

    I'm so sorry for your loss. May she live on forever in your wonderful memories of your time with her.
  9. Arris

    Age difference

    Its not really her thats demanding on my time. She has 2 part time jobs and is studying at college to transfer into 2nd year of a law degree (so yes she is more intelligent than me). Its just I have a life now (not that I'm saying you guys don't :winkkiss: ). Its just before I posted a lot...
  10. Arris

    Age difference

    Hi all, its been a while since I've had time to post here but I thought for once I had some worthwhile input :rolleyes: I recently turned 28 and just recently I've started seeing an 18 year old. Now I don't really mind the age difference. She is mature for her age and we get on really well...
  11. Arris

    Welcome Absinthe

    "And that children is why crime doesn't pay, cause IN jail YOUR THE bitch" :D
  12. Arris

    iTunes 4.5

    can't use the store here though... Goto love the new option of lossless compression to give you even more tunes capacity :D
  13. Arris

    I-pod questions.

    1)/ 3) The latest iPods can be accessed by mac and pc. I have iTunes on my PC at home and have my entire CD collection on it. I have then put all the tunes on my iPod. We have a G5 at work that we simply copied the music folder contents from my iPod to and set it up in iTunes, so that kinda...
  14. Arris

    Welcome Absinthe

    It must have been an awful experience and to have your photo posted like that on the internet must have been horrible as well :D
  15. Arris

    WTF is this white stuff?

    Well if anyone is short of snow your more than welcome to take some from Aberdeen. Just leave the stuff in the mountains for me ;)
  16. Arris

    Aunty into dangerous weapons...

    Just bought a set of replica Samurai swords (doing a Japanese theme in my bedroom). Doing a Mural of "The Great Wave" on my wall. And when I was browsing I came across this site. Japanese Fantasy Swords - Reviewed by: antie_em Shooters supplies - Reviewed by: antie_em I know Aunty does...
  17. Arris

    Lets play word association

  18. Arris

    Best online RPG ever!

    Took me a while to identify which blocky pixel was the crown :retard3:
  19. Arris

    Lets play word association

  20. Arris

    Lets play word association
