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  1. Cerise

    Anyone seen......

    SnP?? How's that som'bich doing anyway??
  2. Cerise


    You know who you are!! Tick tock til the Mittmentum washes the lib outposts clean.........
  3. Cerise

    It Never Gets Old.....

  4. Cerise


    New Look to OTC?? I think I'm in luv........
  5. Cerise

    ''Knock, knock........Who's There??"

  6. Cerise

    And so Davey Jones is dead. Dang I'm a-getting old!!
  7. Cerise

    "The GOPs War on Women"

    Puh-lease! I don't see it, but these freaks do: Or are they just trying to distract from 0bama's dismal record on............what is the word I am looking for............everything????
  8. Cerise

    Got Gator??

    Who knew they were all bark and no bite?? I think I want one:
  9. Cerise

    Poor Bo.......

    I mean......WTF.......why is that poor dog pulling away from Barry.......
  10. Cerise

    Just askin'......
  11. Cerise

    If you want to infuriate a conservative....

    ....piss on our flag. If you want to infuriate a liberal, piss on a dead Taliban terrorist. I seem to remember international videos of live people being beheaded. Dead people on fire hanging from a bridge and dead soldiers being dragged naked through streets. The terrorists are dead...
  12. Cerise

    RE: ''Normal Threads"

    Who R U anyway?? Ah really want'no, You and your ''theories"......sombitch!
  13. Cerise

    Wild Thangs......

    Ah thinks Ah luvs ya
  14. Cerise

    Congressman (D) Sends DicPix to Twitter Co-ed

    Weinergate: Congressman Claims “Facebook Hacked” As Lewd Photo Hits Twitter Image @ link, if you dare! What has been seen cannot be unseen! Bwahahahahahaaaaaaaaa! Rep. Weiner’s Twitter Account Hacked by Horny Look-Alike (Update: He followed Gennette Nicole, making DM’s possible)...
  15. Cerise

    Only Three Days Left!!

  16. Cerise

    If It Was Good Enough For Bush, It's OK For 0bama .
  17. Cerise

    Sarah Palin Issues Statement In Response To AZ Shootings
  18. Cerise

    The Tonkster.......

    Girl! I grubbed ya! :)