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    Remember the old days?

    Were you here on 28 November 2002? Now you can see how things used to be ;) Man, I still miss the old dark blue background here...
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    This is the One..

    ...we've waited for :) :swing: We've known it for years but finally It's gotten to the top Just a bit of fun really, but nice to see the lads recognised :swing: And for the list in full - Go here
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    Isn't Nature Wonderfull! (but is this art?)

    After a bit of chit chat in the chatroom last night, it seems a few folks here dig on this sorta I thought it only polite to post the link :) If ya got anymore of this stuff in yer favourites list......please add linkage! Aurora, alaskan style
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    No Man is an Island...

    ...but apparently they can be a city Your Results: Seattle Your dark exterior masks a caffeine driven activism. You'll take up a cause and you'll get ugly to advance it. Who? Where?
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    Metaphorically Speaking...

    ...or not! :nerd: How not to write metaphors These are (allegedly) metaphors from actual GCSE essays: Her face was a perfect oval, like a circle that had its two other sides gently compressed by a Thigh Master. His thoughts tumbled in his head, making and breaking alliances like...
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    Gyspy Oz

    Cross My Palm With Silver
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    Tourism Troubles

    I've been gettin' a few emails/pm's from folks asking about Britain.....Travel, customs, tourist sites etc..... So, because I'm a lazy bastard and can't be arsed to type out a loada replies.........I thought I'd bung a handy link in here :) Enjoy yer visit! :lloyd: Britain for the...
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    Is This For Real??

    :confused: :confused: Somebody please tell me this is some kinda sick joke... Draft 2005
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    More Pungu!

    Throw the penguin! Gotta love yetisports! :D
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    Bit of a puzzler...

    ......but it looks quite spangly :swing: Another Game
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    Toss yer balls......

    ...into the cup! its one of those online games
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    Executive Stress!

    One should always endeavour to gage the mood of fellow workers
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    Obey Your Orders!

    The 213 Things Skippy is No Longer Allowed to Do in the U.S. Army SGT Shawn Stanford Once upon a time, there was a SPC Schwarz stationed with the Army in the Balkans. SPC Schwarz was either very clever or very bored; but probably both, since he managed to attempt or be warned about 213...
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    Best online RPG ever!

    Escape to a fantasy land Oz takes no responsibility for loss of sleep, social life, family relationships, exhaustion or heart/nervous system troubles during the playing of this at your own risk....those who do become overexcited should seek medical advice......always take...
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    Sex is Complicated!

    Don't Break the Law! <---- Linkageability
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    Capitalism (explained)

    TRADITIONAL CAPITALISM: You have two cows. You sell one and buy a bull. Your herd multiplies, and the economy grows. You sell them and retire on the income. AMERICAN CAPITALISM: You have two cows. You sell three of them to your publicly listed company, using letters of credit...
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    tonksy is really cool!

    she's the best...yupyup fact...i think she is one of the best people ever! :swing:
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    Phantom Messages??

    Anyone have any idea why the main screen is indicating that I have unread messages...........when there are none?? :confused:
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    Oh Squiggy!!!!

    Are ya still on this side of the land of Nod???
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    The Wealkest Link

    Big thanks to AlphaTroll for sending me this today :D ...... so good I just had to share it :lloyd: ............. this actually happened on the Aussie version Transcript from Aussie Weakest Link..... CORNELIA (the hostess): "Michael, why Robin?" MICHAEL: "Well he struggled with...