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  1. fi

    Rest in peace Katie (Aunty Em's daughter)

    Oh Em. I just checked in today after six months. I'm so, so sorry.
  2. fi

    so i'm wondering

    How does your garden grow?
  3. fi

    ideal celebrity date

    George Clooney? I wanted John Cusack!!! (drool...)
  4. fi

    Cat in the Hat Reveiw (funny)

    Ah, and here I was thinking I was being ironic. :-)
  5. fi

    so ...

    Me! :-)
  6. fi

    Help please

    If you don't open the fridge, the temp in there keeps pretty good for a while...
  7. fi


  8. fi

    Cat in the Hat Reveiw (funny)

    Watch what...?
  9. fi

    Christmas Quiz

    Devastated! i only got 6! And I'm a Christmasaholic! :-(
  10. fi

    With the good must come the bad

    Hey missus that is shit... hope it works out :-(
  11. fi

    OK, it's been ages...

    But I'm back! Am actually fdunrk (Luis are you still here?!) in an Internet cafe in Athens, first time ever I actually used one, if you can imagine that! Me mates Pat 9Canadian) and Niall(Irish) are visiting for the week :lol2: end, and after copious food and wine are inflicting ourselves...
  12. fi


    Gut, usually.
  13. fi

    Went to the Dentist yesterday.

    Last time I was home I went in for a check up and it was the first time EVER I didn't nbeed to have a filling done! Irish people have really soft teeth :D
  14. fi


    We've got tons of GX1s at work - looking to get rid of them too!
  15. fi

    I'll never drink again ...

    Drink. Evil. But I just keep going back... ;)
  16. fi

    my aunt is going to die

    Aw Luis... *hugs* :(
  17. fi

    Request for Prayers

    thoughts are with you... and prayers
  18. fi

    Ever dialed 911?

    Had to call 999 when working in campus residences a couple of years ago - St Pat's weekend, a student's cooking chips, pan cathes fire, and she throws water on it. Entire kitchen goes up, so I get to call fire brigade.
  19. fi

    The MAN called :D

    Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! Yay!
  20. fi

    What would you do if...

    Yep - she said she'd seen there was a missed call from me, and could she take a message as he was in the sea.... all boll*cks as I checked the phone (in case keylock had come off and it'd redialled) and no calls since the last one I'd made to him...! Talk about marking your territory!