I'll never drink again ...


Well-Known Member
I know, I know .. I've said that a million times .. but this time, I mean it ...

me and a bunch of friends (including halamikage, with whom I loooove to party with) went out to this lounge for our girlfriend's birthday ... stayed til they told us we had to go ... haven't slept yet ... I'm wreaking of alcohol ... I'm at work and am totally useless ...

I'll never drink again ... ever ..

well, at least not on a weeknight :beerbang:

*edited because I think I'm still drunk and I can't spell*
I've been away from alcohol for 6 years. I quit on my own with no help. If you really want to quit drinking, it is going to take more than a comment like that. You will have to really mean it to get something like that done.
i just think of it as a learning experience. every time i get really drunk, i get better at it. practice makes perfect. ;)
It started out being something pleasureable for me in the beginning and turned into a living hell.
*listens as the sound of whatshisname sucking the fun out of this thread takes over* :rolleyes:

spare me the condescending comments Bubba - you're one of the last people I'd take advice from - on any level
I wasn't aware that you didn't want me to post in your threads. So I will add you to my ignore list. Thanks. :)

By the way, I was telling you about something that was important to me. You don't have to be an ass about it. I'm rather proud that I quit drinking.

Drinking is like smoking. You have to really want to quit in order to successfully quit. I'm not telling you you have to want to though. Party on! :beerbang:
Since I seriously doubt you really want to permanantly stop drinking nalani, here is my advice: From what I understand you are still in school. Keep drinking and getting hammered as much as you want. ENJOY IT!!!! There is nothing wrong with getting hammered, especially on the weekend (starting Thursday's). On that note, make sure you have VERY good friends around you if you are planning to drink yourself sick. Despite how annoying the sober person in the group may get, they may be the one who takes you to the hospital or holds back your hair as you chog!

Rock on and enjoy yourself!
you can be proud of anything you want - being condescending is quite another thing. You quit drinking, great. That's great. Good for you. But do not pretend that this thread was an invitation for a lecture on "what is right for me is right for everyone else". If that be the case, then part yourself on the back in another thread. It was a light thread - talking about people having fun ... if that's not your idea of fun, it would have been quite simple to pass the thread on by without making your own assumptions about what other people want or need and what they need to do and "mean" to achieve it.

Oh - another thing - I never said I didn't want you to post in my threads. Once again, you twist other people's words in order to suit you. Post anywhere you like - but don't trip on me cause you are one of three people here that I won't tolerate any shit on any level from ... put me on ignore if it pleases you ... I really could care less.
woodman19_99 said:
hmmm, ignore the part about my advice and only focus on the last line of my thread!:D

you know, since I've been drinking almost as long as you've been alive, I should be the one giving you advice :D

*cuts and pastes woody's post in preparation of the traditional "advice from mom" for my son's 21st birthday*

knowing your limits is good. exceeding them is foolish. but like tommy said, practice...i keep getting better and better in it :D

not that i'm proud of that, but you're only a student once :D

nalani said:
I know, I know .. I've said that a million times .. but this time, I mean it ...

nalani said:
you can be proud of anything you want - being condescending is quite another thing. You quit drinking, great. That's great. Good for you. But do not pretend that this thread was an invitation for a lecture on "what is right for me is right for everyone else". If that be the case, then part yourself on the back in another thread. It was a light thread - talking about people having fun ... if that's not your idea of fun, it would have been quite simple to pass the thread on by without making your own assumptions about what other people want or need and what they need to do and "mean" to achieve it.

Oh - another thing - I never said I didn't want you to post in my threads. Once again, you twist other people's words in order to suit you. Post anywhere you like - but don't trip on me cause you are one of three people here that I won't tolerate any shit on any level from ... put me on ignore if it pleases you ... I really could care less.

I have a short memory. I don't remember who does like me here and who doesn't. I've done my best to try to mend what can be mended. I'm not holding any grudges.

The first line of your thread is what caught my attention. I thought the thread was serious and then I read on to find out it wasn't. I agree with you on one point. I shouldn't preach to people about drinking.

See the reason why I do that is because my drinking got so bad that I hate to see other people be in that kind of shape. I was once in very good physical shape and now am in terrible shape because of drinking.

The title of your thread indicated to me you wanted to talk about not drinking. I took it literally. It's a subject that I am quite expert about. I have drank more than you could ever imagine and am well aware of what it can do.

So you don't care if I post in your threads just as long as I agree with everything you say. Is that it?
hmm... *coulda sworn I was placed on your ignore list*

Bubba said:
So you don't care if I post in your threads just as long as I agree with everything you say. Is that it?

did I say that? did I even allude to that? No, I didn't. But of course, you being who you are, you just have to twist and turn another's words to suit you. It's funny how you say you've attempted to mend what can be mended in one breath, and in the other you revert to tactics that made many dislike you in the first place. Post where you want - but be forwarned (and since you have a short memory, I suggest you write this down) - I don't like you. So, if you're even slightly condescending, or attempt to, as usual, twist any of my words, I will let it rip. The choice is yours.