101 Things You Did Or Didn't Know About Kawaii™
For some reason, I felt like posting 101 details about my personal life since everyone knows so little about the other.
1. I'm sitting in my dorm room, looking for inspiration for and English essay.
2. I'm hoping that everyone else will write 101 things about themselves after seeing this.
3. I am absolutely addicted to tweaking stuff and finding alternative solutions.
4. 0% of everything I make goes to a toy or piece of hardware I want to own, because, technically, i don't make any money...
5. I'm 18 years old on September 3.
6. I certainly
don't own a 126 foot yacht. I'm a bit jealous.
7. I'm usually happy with what I have and try to make the most of it.
8. I have no job.
9. Sorry about your mom. Mine is alive and well, but my granny died of from cancer last year.
10-16. I don't have and kids and I'm currently single.
17. I have a few multi-purpouse tools that i use for everything.
18. I don't smoke.
19. I'm currently letting my hair grow.
20. See 10-16
21. All teachers except one like me, and the one that that doesn't like me don't hold any classes that i attend.
22. I party quite a bit.
23. I am not as smart, fast or as healthy as I could be. I'm trying to change that.
24. I should be doing my homework.
25. I played badminton for 2 years.
26. Last night, i spent 11 hours straight on skinning XMMS to fit in with the rest of my system.
Result(XMMS is in the top-left corner).
27. The moment I started partying, I quit every sport I was in.
28. I've lifted weights once or twice.
29. I'm poor.
30. I would like to travel internationally!
31. I don't like to travel locally.
32. The furthest I've ever been from home is the Czhech(spelling?) Republic.
33. I don't know what my dream job would be.
34. I have been on the big picture on the front page of a magazine with ~150,000 readers.
35. I build computers for all my friends and never charge them.
36. Around 40-50% of my friends are women.
37. I don't know how to fix a motorcycle.
38-40. Your friend is a lucky bastard.
41. My poorest friend is me.
42. I give to charity occasionally.
43. I think most or the girls on campus are HOT!
44. I always wear a shirt.
45. I hate mobile phones.
46. I have 28 MSN contacts and i'm satisfied with that.
47. I get maid service for free.
48. I'm reasonably polite as long as you don't piss me off.
49. I probably make MUCH less money than most of the people who are reading this, but I get a shitload of stuff for free.
50. I don't pay bills.
51. I have never bought anything through a financing plan.
52. I have never owned a brand new car, boat or camera!
53. I hate printers.
55. I hate people that ask me how to fix MSNMSG/IE/WMP/OLE/WXP.
56. I never build Intel systems.
57. I have over 30 gigs of pictures from various parties and from our pledge week.
58. I don't like birthdays or Christmas.
59. For my birthday, II want a digital camera...
60. ... and a new motherboard.
61. I avoid brand name clothes.
62. I don't drive, nor do i have a driver's licence.
63. I have never been caught for speeding(duh)!
64. I have gotten on a bicycle while head-over-heels drunk. It ended with a lot of cuts and cruises.
65. I have never driven/rode any kind of vehicle, besides the bicycle mentioned in 64, while drunk or otherwise.
66. I don't like programs like Dreamweaver. I want to see the code when i work on homepages.
67-75. No kids, single.
77. I have never been to a concert that I enjoyed.
78. I don't like crowded places and absolutely hate it when people ask me retarded questions.
79. I don't smoke.
80. I don't like cars.
81. I certainly don't like wet cars.
82. I can hold my breath for more than a minute.
83. I fucking hate Jackass.
84. My favourite sport is the one where contestants are given sharp objects and have to fight each other until only one remains. Oh wait, that doesn't exist. I hate sports.
85. My friend uses nitrous oxide in his bike.
86. All my friend's bikes are capable of going from 0 - 200KPH in less than 10.5 seconds.
87. I don't like television, but my favourite series is Vandread.
88. If I had three wishes, i would put down the crack pipe and go to bed.
89. I don't like being photographed.
90. On week days, i always sleep from midnight to 07:00 AM.
91-94. bla bla single no kids bla bla yadda yadda
95. I don't like guns.
96. I fucking hate writing fixed-subject essays.
97. I don't like most of the right-wing principles.
98. Out of all the Bulletin Boards I've been on the web, I think OTCentral is the most closely knit community of them all.
99. I would love to meet each and every member of this board and if you all came to Sweden, I would host a party for everyone to enjoy.
100. I don't know why I am actually going to click on Submit New Thread after saying everything that I have. This took about 20 minutes to write.
101. I hope this post offends someone.