101 Things You Didn't Know About Me™

a13antichrist said:
Point: how many people here do you think replied to this post in order to feel more relaxed? You for one, pad possibly for two. Everyone else most likely replied for the same reason they reply to every other post - the desire to feel accepted by this group and to "share".

I would honestly be interested to know how long it took to formulate 101 pointless things about yourself.

Well, in all honesty, I read some of the other posts, and I had the thought, "What would I write?". And damn, floodgates open and a million little trivial things about me popped (or pooped) into my head. I had to get them out, dammit! :).

So Part A, about 10 min, Part B, about 15, I think because I was sober :) It was fun though. Made me remember some stuff in my life I had almost forgotten.

I don't know about the "feel accepted" part. It's a BBoard, not a high school classroom. To share? Maybe. Voyeurism/exhibitionism. It's not always about taking your clothes off. It's a kick to put out these little things about yourself, and to read about others. We do it all the time, news interviews, Reality TV, rubber-necking. We are curious creatures, we humans are :)
a13antichrist said:
cheers.. :)

Me too. But 4 hours?? :confuse3:

I spend like 8-10 hours a day in the puter, as i said, i wasn't exclusively writing and thinking about that post. :D
a13, answer the question yourself... Why do you spend so much time posting here and most of the time questioning other's points of view or badgering them for it? Because you enjoy it. Doesn't mean that we have to enjoy it. So what? You won't spend time posting 101 things about yourself but you would post 101 things about why everyone else here is wrong about something, wouldn't you? :D

You're reminding me of my mother when I was a kid. "It's a beautiful day! Why aren't you outside playing?!" :laugh:
a13antichrist said:
Point: how many people here do you think replied to this post in order to feel more relaxed? You for one, pad possibly for two. Everyone else most likely replied for the same reason they reply to every other post - the desire to feel accepted by this group and to "share".

I would honestly be interested to know how long it took to formulate 101 pointless things about yourself.

I posted mine because I'm an attention seeking extrovert.......why else? ;)

It took a half hour.....just long enough for my supper to finish cooking
Re: 101 Things You Didn't Know About Me™

greenfreak said:
a13, answer the question yourself... Why do you spend so much time posting here and most of the time questioning other's points of view or badgering them for it? Because you enjoy it. Doesn't mean that we have to enjoy it. So what? You won't spend time posting 101 things about yourself but you would post 101 things about why everyone else here is wrong about something, wouldn't you? :D

You're reminding me of my mother when I was a kid. "It's a beautiful day! Why aren't you outside playing?!" :laugh:

When I badger people about being wrong, it's in the slight hope that they might take exception to it and try to stop being wrong. Each one person who stops being wrong will make the world that much better.

Writing 101 pointless things about yourself profits NOBODY. And costs you a significant amount of time. I'm equally against all the other mindless sharing around here like "shower survey" or "what do you wear to bed" or whatever but at least those don't take half an hour to answer..
Re: 101 Things You Didn't Know About Me™

You still haven't given any proof of what is wrong.
a13antichrist said:
When I badger people about being wrong, it's in the slight hope that they might take exception to it and try to stop being wrong. Each one person who stops being wrong will make the world that much better.

:lol2: ...so then we're like your "cause". How charitable of you. :laugh:

Writing 101 pointless things about yourself profits NOBODY. And costs you a significant amount of time. I'm equally against all the other mindless sharing around here like "shower survey" or "what do you wear to bed" or whatever but at least those don't take half an hour to answer..

"according to you"... That's what it comes down to. According to you. But like Pad says, how do you know you're right? Whatever you say, it's still just opinion. If I think it's fun to share intimate details of myself with others and comment on theirs, so be it. I don't care how long it takes if I'm enjoying myself. Didn't take me long at all. But then again, I only posted 50 I think. I didn't answer the shower survey because I wasn't that interested in answering or reading other people's answers. There's a difference between posting because you want to get attention or something else out of it and posting because it's enjoyable to you.

I like the idea of getting to know people who I never would meet otherwise. Sure, you can't truly know someone from just their online personality but I've already learned so much from everyone here I wouldn't otherwise have known. That makes it worth the other threads that I just skip over because I don't particularly like them.
Re: 101 Things You Didn't Know About Me™

greenfreak said:
"according to you"... That's what it comes down to. According to you. But like Pad says, how do you know you're right? Whatever you say, it's still just opinion. If I think it's fun to share intimate details of myself with others and comment on theirs, so be it. I don't care how long it takes if I'm enjoying myself.

I never said anything about this in particular not being "right". But the same point still stands, if sharing "intimate" ( :rolleyes: ) details in the manner of this thread is what you consider "fun", then it's hard not to suspect that there's something missing from your extra-net life...
Re: 101 Things You Didn't Know About Me™

a13antichrist said:
Writing 101 pointless things about yourself profits NOBODY
Actually, it helps the reader quite muchly :D As the reader now knows 101 things about you that they can keep in mind or ask you about or strike up a conversation with.
Re: 101 Things You Didn't Know About Me?

a13antichrist said:
I never said anything about this in particular not being "right". But the same point still stands, if sharing "intimate" ( :rolleyes: ) details in the manner of this thread is what you consider "fun", then it's hard not to suspect that there's something missing from your extra-net life...

Why are you interested in correcting their mindlessness? You seem to be taking your time out to point out their faults....why?
a13antichrist said:
I never said anything about this in particular not being "right". But the same point still stands, if sharing "intimate" ( :rolleyes: ) details in the manner of this thread is what you consider "fun", then it's hard not to suspect that there's something missing from your extra-net life...

Ok, you can suspect that if you like. I think you might be reading too much into this though. I don't know how you equate participating in a survey or thread like this with us missing something in our lives, but if that makes you feel better about your own life, that's cool. :bgtup:

Maybe what's missing in your life is us, which is why you come back to us again and again. :D
greenfreak said:
Maybe what's missing in your life is us, which is why you come back to us again and again. :D
Ladies and Gents, I do believe we found an official slogan....
gf i think you won the slogan cause your getting more votes. including mine. a13 if it bothers you so much in here why do you keep coming to this thread at all? and what makes it wrong? to me it helps me believe these are real people posting(not saying your bots or anything guys but doing this does kinda give your life offline a little so with that in mind it makes me think your more of a real person)
Re: 101 Things You Didn't Know About Me™

Wacky Nacky said:
Actually, it helps the reader quite muchly :D As the reader now knows 101 things about you that they can keep in mind or ask you about or strike up a conversation with.

Without looking, how many of the things that Toolbox posted can you still remember?

BCD - because I'm a pedantic perfectionist and it's what I'm good at.

freako, for the third time where did I say it was "wrong"? It's simply worrysome that spending such a large amount of time writing a pointless nothing is something that people consider worthy of spending that amount of time on. I value my life and would consider it almost a crime to have spent such a chunk of it doing something so pointless.
And I'm talking about the 101 things, people, not posting in general. Try to stick with this, it isn't hard. This thread is now interesting because you're now all trying to justify your net existence. I find THAT entertaining.
A13, did something in my list upset you? I know some of it's kinda personal but I felt like sharing it. Maybe it helped me by sharing it. Maybe I feel a little less burdoned. Maybe someone with some of the same problems will want to talk to me someday and I can offer them some advice cause I've been there.
Hardly. I didn't even read it. The first 20 of Toolbox's and the odd here and there of others' was enough to let me know I wasn't going to gain anything from reading them...
Without looking, how many of the things that Toolbox posted can you still remember?
He likes motercycles, has a girlfriend (possibly a wife insted of a g/f), is planning on getting a new bike, and he works on bikes.
[qoute=a13antichrist]Writing 101 pointless things about yourself profits NOBODY[/quote]

sure it does! dirt for future covering your ass