Out-freaking-standing OTC member
oh no it's the big bad media again! what shall we ever do???
Yeah. That makes sense coming from a statistician. What are the odds of that?
oh no it's the big bad media again! what shall we ever do???
oh no it's the big bad media again! what shall we ever do???
Well, I can't speak for all blacks (or in fact any) but I think that, before yesterday, a lot of them may have believed that they were at best a peripheral part of the country, that they weren't really part of the whole process, that a black person couldn't really be elected president. I think that, after yesterday, a lot of them now believe that they are fully engaged in the process of running their country. It's a powerful thing, an emotional thing, IMO. I think that many people see this as the ultimate expression of the dream of Martin Luther King and those who marched for civil rights. A lot of us still living can remember those times. That's why all the spontaneous outpouring of emotion. I found it very interesting myself. As I said before, it wasn't a consideration for me but I think I fully understand those for whom it was. Everything has changed.
90% positive stories vs (about) 60%.
Add to that, he outspent McCain (who held to his word for public funds) by over five hundred and fifty million dollars.
If I spent half a billion while being coddled by the press & only got a 6 point vistory, I'd be pissed.
It seems now more then ever that the president really can't do anything, soo i really don't see the "Change" coming into view in the near future.
oh that's where yer wrong brother stinklestein. combine obama with the numbers the Ds got in congress, there's a whole buncha shit they can get passed. exactly the kinda stuff that gonz is worried about... and to some degree his concerns are not illegitimate.
I can alway move to canada, or mexico. anyway i still think that nothing is going to change, everybody is just over reacting to the presidental election, when 1/3 of congress gets changed next year, i really this the percentage of Ds will change.
Damn, Jim is readin' all the other threads but this one for some reason. What's wrong Jim?
You're the one that said to hold it against you.
Obsessed much?