HomeLAN said:At the very least, it's focusing terrorists' efforts over there. That means less resources focused over here.
Frankly, that works for me.
Gonz said:Killing terrorists, helping an ally, creating an ally, stabilizing a region....works for me
spike said:It's doubtful it means less efforts over here. For the most part we're fighting insurgents, not terrorists.
HomeLAN said:I disagree. I think it's become a magnet for terrorists of all stripes. Seems to me I heard a lot of liberals espousing the same views. If they're there, they aren't here.
Not surprised you don't wish to see it, though.
Israeli soldiers have completed the eviction of Jewish settlers from Gaza and West Bank.
Protesters at the West Bank settlements of Sanur and Homesh were the last to leave, following token resistance.
Most Israelis support the pullout, but some feel the government has given in to Palestinian militant groups, and worry that further withdrawals will follow.
21 March 2000
Israel finally hands over West Bank territory to the Palestinians amounting to 6.1% of the total - the last part of a transfer originally agreed at Wye River in 1998. Palestinian and Israeli negotiators also meet in Washington to restart final status talks.
HomeLAN said:...an agreement was reached whereby Isreal would withdraw from large areas of land,...
HomeLAN said:Taking it further, how would the US react if, say, 3-5 rockets PER DAY were fired over the Canadian border at Detroit?
Gonz said:Fighting a group who wish to oppress its people? Kinda like the Taliban.
Making more terrorists? No, that would be the terrorists. They raise their children to hate & kill Jews, then all other non Islamic fundamentalist crazy.
Cut off aid to Israel & watch them get destroyed by Arabs who would then have only one battlefront-the west.
They'd probably write it off as urban renewal and send us a cheque.
spike said:Jews raise their children to hate and kill the Arabs.